Emma and Kate's Fairy Adventure (Ryan's World)

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Emma and Kate's Fairy Adventure (Ryan's World)
This is "fairy" mediocre! Get it?
Episode Number: 2,594
Air Date: November 29, 2023
Previous episode: Ryan's Pretend Play Grocery shopping!
Next episode: Ryan Play Memory Game Challenge!

Emma and Kate's Fairy Adventure is an animated video for the Ryan's World YouTube channel, focusing on fictional versions of his twin sisters, Emma and Kate.


Emma and Kate are fairies, and have to embark on an adventure to find missing gemstones and save a village, which has lost its magic.

Why It Sucks

  1. There are some animation errors in the video.
    • At the very beginning of the animation, Kate's mouth moves, but her voice isn't heard.
    • Sometimes the lip-syncing of the characters doesn't fit well, especially Emma and Kate.
  2. Speaking of the character animation, it's not terrible, but it's choppy and quite stiff.
  3. A few bad and repetitive "jokes", mainly about puns. These jokes often extend to filler.
  4. The new characters, while tolerable, and original, for Ryan's World standards, have a few problems as well. For example, they don't even appear to have names, and the baby birds also heavily resemble the hatchlings from the Angry Birds franchise.
  5. Filler: The scene with the lizard is just Emma and the lizard talking about a "movie", and lasts for about 50 seconds.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Every character in this video, except for Emma and Kate to some, is tolerable.
    • There are some new, and somewhat original characters in the video, such as the baby birds, the lizard and the spider chef, who are all likable despite their flaws.
    • Coco has a major appearance in this video, which is great, since newer Ryan's World characters are somewhat more interesting than the overused main characters.
  2. Some of the jokes are actually quite clever.
  3. The ending where Emma and Kate used the gems to save Coco's caterpillar friend is actually quite wholesome and celebratory, considering they're willing to save an insect over giving magic back to an entire village, even though their helpful act actually saves the village.


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