A Leela of Her Own (Futurama)

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A Leela of Her Own
Even Leela isn't good at sports.
Series: Futurama
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: 10
Air Date: April 7, 2002
Writer: Patrick Verrone
Director: Swinton O. Scott III

'"A Leela of Her Own" is the tenth episode of the third season of Futurama.


After Leela signs up by a local Blernsball team but doesn't realize that she's been signed up as a joke player to entertain the crowds. After finding this out, she decides to get help from Hank Aaron's descendant to avoid ending up as the worst Blernsball player in history.

Why It Lost at Blernsball Indeed

  1. Leela, who is supposed to be extremely competent and intelligent, suddenly turns into a complete moron who can't tell that she sucks as a Blernsball player. What makes this worse is that Leela had been shown to be an expert on the sport when it was first shown back in "Fear of a Bot Planet" - obviously this doesn't mean she'd be any good at actually playing Blernsball, but she should have realized right away that she has no talent for it.
  2. After finding out how bad she is, instead of trying to get help from someone who is actually good at the sport, Leela decides to get help from Hank Aaron XXIV, who is the current worst-ever Blernsball player.
  3. The subplot with two insect aliens trying to set up a pizza restaurant is completely uninteresting and has almost nothing to do with the main plot.
  4. While the episode tries to have a "women can be just as good at sports as men" message, outside of one freakishly good hit by Jackie, it actually never demonstrates it.
  5. The visual gags relating to Blernsball aren't very interesting either this time around, despite the whole episode being themed around it.
  6. The jokes are painfully unfunny, with the most notorious being "like a sexy Yogi Berra".
  7. Depressing ending: Leela ends up achieving nothing from her experiences except being humiliated over and over again and even leaves Hank Aaron XXIV feeling dejected and depressed.
    • The ending also expects us to be happy for Leela's in-story rival, Jackie Anderson, even though Jackie has done nothing but insult Leela, even doing so while trying to console her at the end.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Bender's line "Put a one and two zeroes in front of that!" is pretty funny.
  2. Bean Bay Beans - They're the Beaniest!


This is widely considered to be the worst episode of the original 1999-2003 run of Futurama, and arguably even the worst episode of the show overall. In fan polls prior to the show's 2007 revival, it almost always finished as the show's worst episode.

On IMDb, it has a rating of 6.9/10.


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