A Visit To Anthony (The Ren & Stimpy Show)

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"A Visit to Anthony (The Ren & Stimpy Show)"
A Visit To Anthony.jpg
This is also a visit to a good episode
Series: The Ren & Stimpy Show
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 17
Air Date: May 8, 1993
Previous episode: "Stimpy's Fan Club"
Next episode: "The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen"

"A Visit To Anthony" is the 17th episode of the second season of The Ren & Stimpy Show.


Anthony, a young fan of Ren and Stimpy, wins a contest to have Ren and Stimpy come to meet him, but his menacing, overprotective father would do anything to protect him and his boyhood innocence.

Why It's A Visit To A Great Episode

  1. The characters are all likable; even Anthony's father is a likable character despite being very overprotective. The characters, as expected from this show, are also quite funny, which gives a lot of funny moments.
  2. Anthony Father, despite being overprotective, is a great new character in the franchise, since while he is very violent toward Ren and Stimpy, he is still trying to not beat them up and only punish them once in the episode.
    • Another thing that doesn't make him bad and actually a good character is that he also cares for Anthony, despite being way too protective with him.
  3. There's a lot of funny moments in this episode, such as when Ren tries to make Anthony awake before his father comes back.
  4. The animation is pretty good for this episode and is slightly improved from some of the other episodes since here it is really fluid and a bit more colorful, but still isn't too colorful to maintain the somewhat dark tone of the episode.
  5. The relationship with the main duo and Anthony is rather cute, especially at the beginning of the episode.
  6. The pacing of this episode as always is great, and the 18-minute time also fits the pacing too.
  7. Good ending. Ren and Stimpy did make the whole family lauch, and Anthony's father doesn't beat them up like we think he would because they both made him lauch a lot.

Bad Qualities

  1. Unfortunately, we don't really see the Anthony family again in the show, which is a bit disappointing considering that they we're good new characters.
  2. Anthony father can be very mean to Ren and Stimpy at times.


The episode received positive reviews, it also currently had a 8/10 on IMDb.


  • "A Visit to Anthony" was originally intended to be animated by Carbunkle Cartoons. According to Bob Jaques, Nickelodeon cancelled these plans, presumably because production was going over budget (the finished episode is estimated to have cost over 1 million USD), and instead had them animate "The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen".
  • This is one of the first episodes where Ren and Stimpy are portrayed as actual actors, both known as famous stars and a comedy duo. The Games Animation episodes would later continue to break the fourth wall in this fashion, acknowledging that The Ren & Stimpy Show is an actual show and the two are a comedy duo from said show. In a similar way, Warner Bros. Animaniacs would be acknowledged as an actual show for its self-aware nature.
  • There was a deleted scene of Anthony showing the two his Stimpy doll that hwarfs out cat hairballs, and Ren doll that had a pull string which would make it say naughty words. Possibly, this scene was banned from being made for the episode's production and/or final version primarily because of foul language (for example: What the f*** is your problem, man?!) and inappropriate gross-out humor. Because of that, the crew at Spümcø decided not to finish this scene for the episode.


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