Aftermath: Bridgette Over Troubled Water (Total Drama World Tour)

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"Aftermath: Bridgette Over Troubled Water"
The Gidgette fans finally get their bond together.
Series: Total Drama
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: Season: 6
Overall: 58
Air Date: Canada: October 7, 2010
US: Online Exclusive
Writer: Shelley Scarrow
Director: Keith Oliver
Chad Hicks
Previous episode: Broadway, Baby!
Next episode: Slap Slap Revolution

Aftermath: Bridgette Over Troubled Water is the 6th episode of Total Drama World Tour and the 58th episode overall of Total Drama.


The first aftermath of the season has premiered, with an old host, Geoff, and a new one, Blaineley. The other six non-contestants watch alongside as the peanut gallery. The hosts ponder over the whereabouts of two eliminated contestants after their plunges down from the plane. The first guest, Harold, is interviewed and he sings a song about his crush, Leshawna, left in the competition, and the last guest, Bridgette, sings a ballad to apologize for her previous acts of disloyalty. In the end, all is forgiven, much to the dismay of the lesser-liked host, Blaineley.

Why It Goes Over Troubled Water

  1. To address Blaineley out in the Aftermath: Bridgette not only returns in the Aftermath, but she also reunites with Geoff after the climax in Total Smackdown.
  2. In this episode, Geoff slightly improves as the host of the TDWT Aftermath, compared to the ones he hosted in Action's Aftermath episodes (32, 38, 44 and 52).
  3. During the Total Drama Fugitives montage, Duncan (as a silhouette) is seen running through a forest, only to fall when he is unaware that there is a cliff at the end of the path. Which is quite funny.
  4. Eva's scenes are hilarious:
    • Her line: "Ahh, forget this!"
    • She even drops the microphone on the janitor and Havish McTavish's groins after getting questionable responses.
    • In the end, she even kicks one of the lighting props while saying "Ahh, forget this!" after attempting to sing "Total Drama World Tour!"
  5. Harold's scenes are decent:
    • His one-liners in the footages.
    • Every time he says a speech to them, it results in him getting injured, except for Leshawna.
    • His song "Baby", with Trent, Justin, and the Sasquatchanakwa.
  6. As usual, while it is mean-spirited and disturbing, the Never Before Seen Footages are funny to watch.
  7. Izzy fighting over Chef Hatchet while the camel stays put is funny, especially when the camel hits Chef's face, despite being a bit disturbing for some.
  8. Bridgette singing "I'm Sorry" to Geoff is emotional, but it backfires when Willy sees the pole to her, causing her and Geoff to bicker.
  9. The entire emotional scene involving Bridgette and Geoff in Total Smackdown, especially when they make up during the climax because the latter told the former to "Tell that to your tongue!" This causes Blaineley to get enraged and quit the show by letting the interns grab her arms after throwing a bit of a tantrum, resulting in getter her karma.

Bad Qualities

  1. The footage where Chris and Owen see the silhouette of Ezekiel is boring to watch.
  2. The giant Drama Machine terrorizing the girl sleeping in her room is kinda mean-spirited.
    • The scene where Justin, Heather, the moose, the squirrel, Beth, Cody, and the bear beat up Harold for his lame speech is also mean-spirited.
    • After Bridgette notices Willy holding a pole in the interview, she fights back with Geoff and it also comes out as mean-spirited.
  3. This episode can be somewhat disturbing to viewers, especially the injury scenes.


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