Alex's Logo (Wizards of Waverly Place)

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Alex's Logo
Who would've thought an actor from the main cast's chance to write an episode would end up turning out so horribly wrong...
Series: Wizards of Waverly Place
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: 17 (airing)
18 (in production order)
Air Date: May 21, 2010
Writer: David Henrie
Director: David DeLuise
Previous episode: Western Show
Next episode: Dad's Buggin Out

Alex's Logo is the seventeenth episode of season 3 of Wizards of Waverly Place, and the sixty-ninth of the overall series. It first aired on May 21, 2010.


Alex designs T-shirts and sells them at school. She didn't have permission and Justin makes her give the money to the school. Then she wins a citizenship award and isn't sure why.

Why It Doesn't Deserve to Become Student Body President

  1. All of the major characters of the series are completely out of character.
    • Special mention goes to Justin who suddenly became a fame-seeking jerk for no reason at all.
  2. Speaking of Justin, this episode marks the first time David Henrie has written an episode for the series, and it shows, as there are several moments that are completely out of place, and even though Alex became student body president for the episode, the events of this episode are never mentioned again.
  3. Aside from being a filler episode, it's also a torture episode for Alex, especially during the second half.
  4. Somehow Justin was portrayed as in the right to assume Alex was lying becoming student body president and to put a truth spell on her so she would humiliate herself during her council speech. This is coming from the guy who's known for being one of the most responsible characters on the show. Something must have happened between the events of the previous episode and this one to make him stood down to Alex's lows. What was David Henrie thinking? This is also one of the episodes that marked the beginning of Justin's Flanderization for the remainder of the series.
    • Theresa and Jerry Russo aren't any better. They saw how Alex was humiliating herself onstage, and didn't even try to come to her aid or support her when she was an outcast, or punish Justin for his actions, despite having full permission to. This proves that the Russo parents play favorites towards Justin and how they don't care what happens to Alex and Max.
    • Now only that, when Alex goes to her mother for advice on the situation, her mother's "advice" she gave Alex to help her in this situation -- which basically amounts to gloating about how popular she was in school, and telling Alex to find a popular girl to help her out-- isn’t just stupid, it’s also self-centered. Mother of the year, ladies and gentleman!
  5. Predictably Unfair Ending: It's never confirmed if Alex was forgiven for the accident by everyone she humiliated, and Justin got away scot-free of his actions, thus making him a greatly bad karma houdini.
  6. It was all Justin's fault for what happened to Alex, and he should have done a spell to reverse the day.
  7. This episode is one of the main reasons WoWP wasn't doing very well at the time.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The acting is still great like usual, and there are also some funny moments.
  2. Alex and Mr. Laritate are surprisingly very likable in this episode, as Alex isn't being her usual jerkish, unsympathetic self, and Laritate shows sympathy for Alex becoming a close friend when Alex becomes an outcast, humiliating himself in front of the students and then give everyone detention to make himself the school's punching, and Alex would be spared. It's actually a sweet moment towards Laritate -- as it's one of the few times on the show he shows genuine kindness towards Alex -- and it showcases how he ultimately cares for Alex in his own unique way.


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