Another Way (Adventure Time)

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Another Way
This episode really has to go to a different way. But... Finn, please knock it off for the sake of going to the alternative way.
Series: Adventure Time
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: Overall: 75
Season: 23
Air Date: January 23, 2012
Writer: Tom Herpich
Bert Youn
Director: Larry Leichliter
Previous episode: Paper Pete
Next episode: Ghost Princess

Another Way is the 23rd episode of Season 3 and the 75th episode overall of Adventure Time.


When Finn has to go to the forest all by himself to find the cyclops' tears, one of the nurse clowns triggers Finn's emotions, leading to his uncomfortable behavior putting others into trouble.

Another Bad Way Qualities

NOTE: This episode is meant to be intentionally bad, so do not take bad qualities seriously.

  1. Finn is at his absolute worst in this episode, as he cause trouble by hurting strangers after getting triggered by one of the clown nurses.
  2. Finn's hallucination of the skinny clown nurse is scary to young viewers.
  3. The Head Clown Nurse is a bit unlikable to Finn as she attempts to kiss his injured toe, but she shouts to her "It's the only way!"
    • Her voice actor is terrible, unlike her bug counterpart.
  4. Most of Finn's decisions are mean-spirited after the victims tell him that this is the only way to find the cure, despite refusing and deciding to go to an alternate way instead:
    • He kicks the sign off the tree stump.
    • He uses the bush as a paddle to advance forward in the river after calling him an "ugly tramp".
    • He uses a melon to cool off from Pan, the male dwarf-like creature, without his permission.
    • He lifts the wagon and hurts Rainy by letting the melons roll, as well as destroying the wigwam house.
      • Afterward, Finn attempts to apologize for his crazy behavior, but Pan forces him to be kicked out and never come back.
  5. The forest cyclops crushes Finn using his fist is painful to watch.
  6. The sandwich seen in the third act serves no purpose in this episode.
  7. Plot Hole: Since when does Finn wear a shoe after curing his feet?

Another Good Way Qualities

  1. The third act is tolerable and much better than the others.
  2. Jake, Big Clown Nurse, the tree stump, the bush, Pan, and Rainy are the only likable characters in this episode.
    • Finn redeems himself later on in the third act after realizing what he did to the victims here by singing "I Was Wrong", which is emotional.
    • The forest golem is also an intimidating antagonist.
  3. Finn ranting "My Way" is hilarious.
  4. The ending is heartwarming after Finn punches the forest golem using his fists while making a counterattack:
    • He uses the cyclops' tears to cure Rainy, grows the bush, grows a flower on the stump's head, and bringing the sandwich back to life (despite being pointless).
    • As Jake decides that the clown's tears are better for him, Finn tells him that everyone has their own way, which is heartwarming.
  5. Good Moral: Do not take things for granted and make sure that everyone has to do their own ways.


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