Apple Wedding (Adventure Time)

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Apple Wedding
Poor Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig, now the wedding is ruined and Princess Bubblegum should say sorry to them for ruining it.
Series: Adventure Time
Part of Season: 5
Episode Number: Overall: 174
Season: 44
Air Date: January 13, 2014
Writer: Tom Herpich
Steve Wolfhard
Director: Nate Cash (supervising)
Nick Jennings (art)
Previous episode: Root Beer Guy
Next episode: Blades of Grass

Apple Wedding is the 44th episode of Season 5 and the 174th episode overall of Adventure Time


Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig prepare for a wedding, while Princess Bubblegum crashes the wedding because it is a "criminal farce".

Bad Qualities

  1. Princess Bubblegum is (if not) at her absolute worst in this episode, she usually crashes Mr. Pig and Tree Trunks' wedding by stealing/hijacking King of Ooo's zeppelin just so she can frame King of Ooo for making an outdated wedding license for both of them, resulting in him getting arrested in her castle.
  2. Lumpy Space Princess is also unlikable in this episode by attempting to crash Mr. Pig and Tree Trunks' wedding. Fortunately, Finn intercepts her by pulling her, as well as Bubblegum ruining their wedding.
  3. There are three filler scenes:
    • Lumpy Space Princess attempts to crash Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig's wedding
    • Cinnamon Bun attempts to open the champagne bottle
    • The prison scene, although it is the least better one than the other two.
  4. The scene where Princess Bubblegum arrests everyone, especially Tree Trunks. Mr. Pig, Finn, Jake, LSP, Cinnamon Bun, etc., despite the latter's protests of not wanting to ruin their wedding, are cruel and mean-spirited to everyone.
  5. The scene where one of the pigs picks her nose, and eats her booger is disgusting to watch, despite being minor.
  6. Even though the ending is good as Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig, due to the King of Ooo successfully attempting to make their own ceremony, finally make out after their ceremony, Princess Bubblegum, who redeems herself, does not show remorse or face comeuppance after what she has done to them, thus leaving it a plot hole or a missed opportunity, despite releasing everyone, but Mr. Pig and Tree Trunks (because she wants to see them watch in the prison in the monitor.

Good Qualities

  1. Everyone except Princess Bubblegum and Lumpy Space Princess are likable.
    • This also introduces King of Ooo, who is likable and at least he has a good introduction here.
  2. The wedding scene is good, even though it is ruined by Bubblegum.
  3. The ending scene is heartwarming as Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig finally become married, with Bubblegum releasing everyone but them to go home.


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