Baby Bob
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Baby Bob is an American sitcom television series that premiered on CBS as a mid-season replacement on March 18, 2002, and aired two seasons through June 20, 2003. The Baby Bob character had previously been on television since February 2000, appearing in commercials for While actual infants played Bob, the effect to make him look like he was talking was achieved through computer editing.
Why It Sucks
- The premise isn't really intriguing: a newborn that can communicate and acts like an adult. To make matters worse, there are shows of far higher quality than this.
- In addition to a boring premise, it feels like a rip-off of the Look Who's Talking movies.
- Some ongoing jokes are extremely weird, such as Baby Bob ogling his mom, even though that's incest.
- Even by 2000s standards, the effect on Baby Bob's mouth looks very outdated and creepy.
- Speaking of Baby Bob, his voice is pretty annoying.
- Multiple jokes are stupid, and extremely weird, like Baby Bob and his mom mentioned before.
- There was a whole episode dedicated to Baby Bob being attracted to the much older babysitter, Teala. Mind you, she had a fight with her boyfriend before this.
The Only Redeeming Quality
- There were still many talented actors on the show, such as Joely Fisher, Adam Arkin, Holland Taylor, and Elliott Gould.
It was heavily panned by critics and audiences, receiving a 4/10 on IMDb.
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