Ball of Revenge (Courage the Cowardly Dog)

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Ball of Revenge

Oh come on, John R. Dilworth, you can do better than this with revenge!
Series: Courage the Cowardly Dog
Part of Season: 4
Episode Number: 11b (season)
98 (overall)
Air Date: November 8, 2002
Writer: Michelle Belly Dilworth
Director: John R. Dilworth
Previous episode: Courageous Cure
Next episode: Cabaret Courage

Ball of Revenge is the 98th episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog.


After being jealous of Muriel's excessive attention express towards Courage. Eustace summons some of Courage's deadliest enemies into the farmhouse's basement to devise a plan to destroy him once and for all.

Why It Lost The Game

Poor Courage
  1. First off, it's the endless Courage torture episodes.
  2. Eustace is at his worst in this episode, as he becomes a murderous jerk who wants to get Courage killed just because he gets all the attention.
    • He even goes so far as to actually get his own wife, Muriel, held hostage by the villains just to lure Courage in to be killed by them.
  3. Katz's torture on Muriel is pathetic. All he does is just mix the colors of the laundry and added bleach, as opposed to his more diabolical plans in previous episodes, such as turning Muriel into candy in "Katz Kandy" or feeding Muriel to giant spiders in "A Night at the Katz Motel".
  4. Plot holes:
    • Why would Eustace team up with the same villains who flat out tried to kill him or take over his life such as the Black Puddle Queen for example?
    • In the episode "Night of the Weremole", it is revealed that the Weremole only preys on rabbits and humans, not dogs like Courage, which makes his appearance in this episode even more baffling and confusing.
    • How did Big Toe came back to life if Courage defeated him to death?
    • Eustace claiming that he's in a men's club, yet the Black Puddle Queen is a female.
  5. Unlike previous episodes, Eustace isn't brutally punished for his unjustified actions. Instead, he gets to sit on Courage's blanket.
    • Not only that, Eustace started all this just because Courage has a blanket, and he sits on it in the end as he wanted to earlier, so even with Eustace losing in the end, it's such a redundant punishment.
  6. Pointless cameos of the Duck Brothers and Fred, who had so much potential to reappear in a later episode.
    • The Duck Brothers aren't even villains.
    • In addition, there are missed opportunities for the reappearances of the following better choices of villains who do have connections with Courage in this episode such as King of Flan, Schwick, Benton Tarantella, The Chicken From Outer Space, the Duckling, amongst others. Overall, if this episode was properly written with a better choice of villains, then it would have had an amazing premise.
  7. Le Quack randomly appears and disappears throughout the episode.
  8. Every bit of torment Courage goes through randomly happens by doing no wrong.
  9. Bad ending: Freaky Fred appears on the television and makes Courage scream so loud that the farmhouse collapses.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Courage's epic scream near the ending of the episode which creates an earthquake in the basement, trapping the villains (except for Eustace and Le Quack), and therefore giving them their much-needed comeuppance.
  2. A few funny moments, like Schwick complaining about being left out of the episode.
  3. Though pointless, Fred's cameo return was touching.
  4. Muriel hitting Eustace on the head with her rolling pin is still hilarious to watch, as always.
  5. Despite the bad ending and Eustace getting off the hook for his actions, the farmhouse collapsing on him could be considered a deserving punishment based on your view.


Many fans have declared it as the weakest/worst episode of the show due to Courage has been tortured endlessly.



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