Beach from Beyond (Mega Babies)

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"Beach from Beyond"
The Canadian version of the Powerpuff Girls 2016 episode Summer Bummer (which came out in 2017, 17 years after Mega Babies episode)
Series: Mega Babies
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 31
Air Date: March 15 2000
Writer: Kate Donahue & Scott Kreamer
Director: Kevin Patrick Currie, Christian Tremblay

Yvon Tremblay

Previous episode: "The Potty's Over"
Next episode: "Toxic Hobby"

Beach from Beyond is the 31st episode of Season 2 of Mega Babies.


The babies stop Nurse Lazlo for fighting a dead monster. Then they go to the beach

Why Its a Beach From Gross Beyond

  1. As usual, the babies are horribly unlikable while they go to the beach with Nurse Lazlo, they also burped and being unpleasant to the beach people while they just got here.
  2. The whole episode is nothing but a Nurse Lazlo torture episode. so does the beach people
  3. While Meg having fun at water. Nurse Lazlo thinks it a shark. but it just boat where she make the beach peoples upset of getting tricked.
  4. Almost out of the infamous scene, the babies also torture people at the beach and even the lifeguard where Buck dig a hole and put crabs in there. The Lifeguard enjoy at the beach and then he fall a hole of crabs
  5. The episode uses too much gross-out humor, while Meg, Buck and Derrick enjoy eating. they pooped in sand and the beach where the peoples throw up of that babies' disgusting smell
  6. Nurse Lazlo (while likable in this episode), was somehow crazy and mean-spirited. involves Nurse Lazlo fighiningt a lifeguard. that he could ask Nurse lazlo to teach the babies how to surf.
  7. While the babies went surfing with the lifeguard, they made disgusting things at the water liking pee at the ocean which make the people get out of the water and even gross out the octoupus.
  8. They make a ungnarly surf, that the babies were make surfing a disgusting blast and the people at the beach got scared away from that surfboard
  9. Bad scene where Nurse Lazlo wake up and took of her sunglasses from nap, and she was having wrinkles. being tanned and she was blind that she didn't put he sunscreen on.
  10. The babies make a unpleasant joke where they make a sand monster to scare Nurse Lazlo, which make her mad and she tell them to go home.
  11. Dumb Ending. where the real monster came out the ocean and scare people at the beach that the babies saw. but Nurse Lazlo don't listen that the babies was telling the truth.

Reedeming Qualities

  1. Nurse Lazlo, the volleyball gang, the lifeguard and the citzens at the beach were the only likable and tolerable characters in this episode.
  2. Nurse Lazlo did put sunscreen for the babies before they go swimming, but Nurse Lazlo could put her on it too.
  3. Buck and Derrick did play a unique skills of volleyball where they join the volleyball dudes to play
  4. Nurse Lazlo at least stop the babies and tell them pranking peoples with a pretending sand monster is not okay. which the babies did get comeuppance for that.


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