Beast Man (Teen Titans Go!)

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Beast Man (Teen Titans Go!)
Beast Boy aging himself up makes no sense.
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 44
Air Date: June 29, 2015
Writer: Caldwell Tanner
Director: Luke Cormican
Previous episode: Yearbook Madness
Next episode: Operation Tin Man

Beast Man is the 44th episode of the 2nd season of Teen Titans Go!.


Beast Boy discovers that he can use his power to turn himself into an adult.

Why It Sucks

  1. To address the elephant in the room, the main plot makes no sense. Beast Boy's powers allow him to turn into animals, not change his age on a whim.
  2. The movie the Titans want to see sounds like the worst movie in the world, Death Toilet 3. To think, the title predates an internet phenomenon by 7 years, Skipidi Toilet. Which the premise of webseries sounds oddly similar to the movie.
    • The main conflict is that the Titans can't see the movie because it's rated R40+, that's a stupid rating, it should've been rated NC-17, which is the highest movie rating.
  3. Disappointed they can't get an adult, the Titans head back to the tower.
  4. Missed Opportunity: If the Titans wanted to see Death Toilet 3 SO BAD, they should've used the "trenchcoat gag", while cliched, it would've made the episode better.
  5. The animal rally game scene could've been cut out.
  6. Robin says "man" and Beast Boy ages himself up middle-aged man, kick-starting the plot of the episode.
  7. Plot Hole: Where did Beast Boy get a fake ID and why wasn't his middle-aged design from BBBDay recycled?
  8. Raven warns Beast Boy that he should de-age himself or the Man will control him.
  9. Speaking of, The Man is a boring villain as he's just a giant face with glasses on a monitor that speaks like a stoner.
  10. The Titans defeat the Man by acting like annoying teenagers.
  11. Bad Moral: Being an adult sucks because life becomes boring and work is boring too. This moral does not add up because some careers are very fun, like art careers.
  12. Bad/Sadistic Ending: The man is defeated and the adults under his control leave. Starfire asks Robin where will the adults go, Robin rudely remarks "I'm just kid, it's not my problem!".

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The montage of Titans doing adult things around Jump City was very entertaining to watch.
  2. Cyborg having Beast Boy turn into a tiny donkey is admittedly funny.


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