BlockStarPlanet (2021-present)

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BlockStarPlanet (2021-present)

Remember the time when you used to build whatever you wanted for free? Now you pretty much can't.

Genre(s): MMO
Platform(s): iOS
Microsoft Windows
Release: July 6, 2014
Developer(s): MovieStarPlanet ApS
Publisher(s): MovieStarPlanet ApS

BlockStarPlanet is a MMO game developed by MovieStarPlanet ApS, who are the owners of MovieStarPlanet, it was released in July 6, 2014. The game used to be good back in the day, but the game went downhill during 2021 due to the terrible updates.

Why You Cannot Build Anything Anymore

  1. Back then, you used to be able to do almost anything without a VIP membership. But now, the game straight up locks many simple features under a VIP Membership.
  2. The game has connection problems, as most of the time it will give you a "Connection Lost" error even if you have a good internet connection. Making the game nearly unplayable.
  3. Remember when you used to be able to make custom blockstars with the advanced editor? Now you can't unless you have a VIP membership, in which the non-VIPS have to use the generic presets for their blockstar avatar instead, due to backlash, they would later revert this change and allow non-VIPs to use the advanced editor again.
  4. The game suffers from terrible framerate issues, as most of the game. It will lag to the point that the game will be unplayable.
  5. The game can be pretty boring after a while, as there is barely anything to do.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The music is pretty decent.
  2. The game used to be good around 2014-2020, as you were able to do more things as a Non-VIP member.