Boys & Squirrels (Family Guy)

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Boys & Squirrels
It's not just a goof, it's a terrible goof.
Series: Family Guy
Part of Season: 19
Episode Number: 3
Air Date: October 11, 2020
Writer: Steve Callaghan
Director: Joe Vaux
Previous episode: The Talented Mr. Stewie
Next episode: Cutawayland

Boys & Squirrels is the 3rd episode of the 19th season of Family Guy. It is the 352nd episode overall.


Peter injures himself and a family of squirrels in a chainsaw accident; Chris and Stewie try to nurse one of the injured rodents back to health; a chiropractor fixes Peter's injury by realigning his spine -- and restoring him to his "true height".

Why This Goof Sucks

  1. Peter is very unlikable in this episode as he uses a chainsaw recklessly and even kills a family of squirrels.
    • He also tells some goth teenagers to kill themselves because the teens thought he was Slenderman.
  2. There's a cutaway where Peter tries putting saran wrap over his dinner, and the scene drags out for almost two minutes.
  3. Brian appears in only one scene of the episode and doesn't appear again after that.
    • Speaking of Brian's scene, it's very infamous as he heartlessly mauls the baby squirrel to death.
    • True, Brian heavily hates squirrels, but the squirrel here was a baby; the way he kills the baby squirrel wasn't only disturbing, but also nightmarish.
  4. The Stewie and Chris incest relationship in the main plot is gross but could be seen as justified since they want to take care of the baby squirrel.
  5. While nowhere as bad as Peter in this episode, Meg is also unlikable as she comes across as bland in this episode and wanting to take pictures of the killed squirrel family, which is out of character for her since she's usually the sane one.
    • Similarly, Lois, while also not as bad as Peter and Brian in this episode, also comes across as bland for doing nothing at all aside from verbally abusing Peter to make him smaller.
  6. Bad but completely sad ending: Stewie receives a Christmas card with him, Chris, and the baby squirrel, and it causes him to cry.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The baby squirrel looked cute until Brian killed it.
  2. Peter gets his comeuppance by Lois verbally abusing him to make him shrink so much, he was smaller than his pillow.
  3. Despite the gross incestuous relationship between Chris and Stewie in the main plot, the two brothers are still likable in this episode since they do take care of the baby squirrel after it was injured by their father.
  4. Despite being nearly two minutes long, the saran wrap cutaway, like the one with Lois on the phone in "The Old Man and the Big 'C", is relatable to people.
  5. Peter: Kill yourselves!


The episode received mostly negative reviews, mainly for the infamous scene where Brian mauls the baby squirrel to death.[1] It currently has a 5.7/10 score on IMDb.[2]



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