Brichos (Branimals) is a Brazilian children's animation film released in 2007 directed by Paulo Munhoz and produced by the Tecnokena studio. The film portrays Brazilian culture through animals from the national fauna, and shows the adventures of three rebel friends who are video game fanatics. To promote the film, a graphic novel based on it was released that same year, as well as a series of animated sketches in partnership with Canal Futura.
In 2012, the film won a sequel entitled Brichos - A Floresta é Nossa and recently an animated series, premiered on April 20, 2014 shown by TV Brasil and also by Nickelodeon Brasil.
Tales, Jairzinho and Bandeira are crazy about video games and will come together to create a perfect fighter for the local video game championship. They went on a quest that will eventually reveal a secret in the forest where they live.
Bad Qualities
- Dated flash animation, with poorly drawn characters and poorly detailed backgrounds.
- The main characters may be unlikable to many people, mainly because of the way they treat their parents.
- Ratão is a weak and forgettable antagonist.
- The story can be tiring, mainly because of the slow pace.
- The plot is not very good either.
- The introduction is too long.
- Ratão did not receive any punishment for his actions, so much so that at the end of the film shows him fleeing the city while talking to his henchmen on the phone, who were in jail.
- There are many heavy scenes for the children's audience, especially the scene where Ratãozinho twists his younger brother's foot, making him cry.
- The voice cast is not so good either.
Good Qualities
- The main characters redeem themselves at the end of the movie, and see how much they love their parents.
- Ratãozinho, the son of Ratão, also redeems himself at the end of the film.
- The ending is good and exciting.
- The other characters are nice, like Dumontzinho.
- There are some fun or funny moments here and there.
- The plot can be creative for some people.
- The TV series that followed is a huge improvement over this movie.
External links
- Brichos at the Internet Movie Database