Brief Encounter (Family Guy)

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Brief Encounter (Family Guy)
Series: Family Guy
Part of Season: 20
Episode Number: 5
Air Date: October 24, 2021
Writer: Travis Bowe
Director: Brian Iles
Previous episode: 80's Guy
Next episode: Cootie & The Blowhard

Brief Encounter is the 5th episode of the twentith season of the American animated television series, Family Guy. It originally aired on Fox in the United States on October 24, 2021.


Peter and Quagmire's personalities change when they accidentally switch and wear each other's underwear.

Why It Rocks

  1. The concept, while kind of gross, is very clever.
  2. Peter and Quagmire gain new perspectives of each other.
  3. When Peter and Quagmire say "No" at the same time in the dinner scene.
  4. Peter, Quagmire and Stewie are likeable.
  5. The ending when Peter and Quagmire re-affirm their friendship, despite being inappropriate, is heartwarming.
  6. Patton Oswalt as Doug's bully Tyler.
  7. The final scene, in which Stewie does his take of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure "To Be Continued" meme, complete with "Roundabout" playing in the background.

The Only Bad Quality

  • Stewie and Doug's Subplot is a rip-off of Strangers on a Train.


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