Cade Malane's BFDI Fan Animated Parodies

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Cade Malane's BFDI Fan Animated Parodies
Micheal and Cary (Jacknjellify) will sue him for ruining the BFDI community.
Genre: Clickbait
Running Time: Depends
Country: Canada
Release Date: 2020-present
Created by: Cade Malane
Distributed by: YouTube

Cade Malane (Full name Cade Malaniak, born January 22, 2003, 20), is an OSC Youtuber. He is fairly popular and is best known for making multiple BFB and TPOT parodies, most notably being his BFB Character of the Month series.

Why Jacknjellify Will Sue Him Now

  1. He's the BFDI version of Elsagate YouTuber.
  2. He has had many controversies throughout his time in the OSC. His first controversy comes from The Break Of BFB, as the video was shown to have multiple COVID references. This happened a second time in TPOT: Sorry! Where Fanny is constantly telling everyone to wear masks, and is against not wearing them even after the pandemic was considered "over." People called him out for this about how it could be a harmful message to the community, usually consisting of children, and that he was spreading anti-mask propaganda. He then later made a "clean" version of the video, removing all of the Coronavirus related lines, seeming to dodge the backlash from his passive-aggressive description.
    • His second situation was in his BFB Character of the Month series. On the 7th episode, Leafy explains her plan to kiss Firey under the mistletoe to the post-split BFB group. They set the plan up as soon as Firey gets back to the house they all stay in. Firey realizes what he has to do when he is put into place, and the group holds him back to let Leafy kiss him. Though to most people this wasn't something remotely controversial, it was still questionable to most people watching.
    • His most biggest controversy is regarding his 40k Subscriber special, in which he puts characters (specifically Pen and Saw) in romantic situations, such as Pen about to fall, with Saw keeping him up on the Balance Beam, to which Pen kisses Saw as a thank you. When the final few contestants are on the balance beam, Teardrop reads from a fortune cookie that she will be tickled off of the balance beam, to which Lightning comes and tickles Teardrop until she falls down. Pencil, Needle, and Match both blush as a reaction to it. This has led people to believe Cade has a tickle fetish. When the final two contestants are on the balance beam (Bubble and Snowball), Snowball attempts to pop Bubble, to which it doesn't work. Bubble then seduces Snowball, and then pushes him off the balance beam before he expects it to win the challenge. People have called him out for it, saying that the usage of tickles and cringe shipping is disgusting, and that he puts a bad image on the OSC as a whole.
    • His most recent is of a deleted version of one of his BFB Character of the Month episodes, specifically Gelatin's in which he eats a ton of McDonalds for Thanksgiving. When the contestants check up on him, he is seen bloated with splatters of ketchup, mustard, and other things all over himself. He then barfs and goes into a restroom where they have to ring a bell to make him poop. This version was deleted most likely because of the toilet humo[u]r and vomit jokes.
  3. His BFDI fan animated videos are bad such as:
    • TPOT: Sorry!
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Leafy (The most hated monthly video because of too cringe)
    • The BFDI Balance Beam Challenge (A 40K Subscriber Special) (easily the worst BFDI fan animated subscriber special ever)
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Gelatin (with the deleted scene version)
  4. The cringeworthy moments be like, which Lightning comes and tickles Teardrop until she falls down. Pencil, Needle, and Match are blush as a reaction to it.
  5. The romantic relationships are extremly cringe such as:
    • Pen and Saw
    • Gelatin and Teardrop (where kissing under a mistletoe)
    • Leafy and Firey
  6. He was the completely worst for making BFDI summary.
  7. Bad voice acting, What doesn't help is that Cade Malane provided the voice of all the BFDI characters does not sound like the original.

Reedeming Qualities

  1. Ruby's voice is so cute, adorable and sweet in BFDI fan animated parodies.
  2. His BFDI fan animated videos are good such as:
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Firey
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Blocky
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Balloony
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Gelatin (without the deleted scene version)
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Bubble
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Flower
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Loser
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Ruby
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Lollipop
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Spongy
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Taco
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Teardrop
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Woody
    • BFB Character Of The Month: Profily
    • TPOT Short: A Halloween Surprise
    • Break Of BFB: Escape From Elsewhere
  3. The romantic relationships are better such as:
    • Blocky and Taco
    • Leafy and Firey (despite being cringe)
  4. Decent voice acting, Cade Malaniak, Tania Maniak (Cade's mom) and Nicola DeAlemia.


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