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I'm stuck with myself again, my clone is my new best friend, Carl Squared!
Genre: Animated sitcom
Running Time: 22 minutes
Country: Canada
Release Date: August 7, 2005 –

January 23, 2011

Network(s): Teletoon
Created by: Lila Rose
Carolyn Hay
Eva Almos
Starring: Stuart Stone
Jordan Francis
Bryn McAuley
Emily Hampshire
Kathy Laskey
Rick Roberts
Seasons: 4
Episodes: 65

Carl² (also known as Carl2 or Carl Squared) is a Canadian animated sitcom that follows the life of a teenager if he had a clone. The series debuted on Teletoon in 2005 and ended in the early 2010s.

Why It Rocks²

  1. Decently smooth Flash animation, which would later be improved in Season 2.
  2. An interesting premise that explores what life would be like if a teenager had a clone and must hide it from his parents, combined with various sitcom elements.
  3. Mixes biological studies with normal teenage life very well.
  4. Good voice acting for the most part, such as Stuart Stone as Carl Crashman and his clone C2.
  5. While a majority of the characters in the show are stereotypical, they are actually quite likable for the most part.
    • Carl himself, while sometimes a bit rude towards C2, at the end of the day, still cares very much for him and treats him as some sort of brother figure, as he thinks that without him, his life would be a never-ending cycle of pure chaos.
    • C2 looks just like Carl, except speaks with a higher pitched voice. He is also more enthusiastic and energetic than Carl is.
    • Jamie James is a good friend of Carl who is the only one to know about C2.
    • Chloe Crashman is Carl's goth sister who likes to isolate herself from the rest of her family (Carl included), but is also willing to team up with him at times, such as when she helped him get back at three bullies that were making fun of him after leaking one of his videos.
    • Barney Crashman is the bumbling father who is known for creating the notorious Breakfast Dispenser, and unlike his wife is shown to be pretty laid-back.
  6. Amazing soundtrack that is mainly based around the rock genre, with the best example being the intro.
  7. A lot of the characters do end up getting up their comeuppance, such as Lenny when he made fun of Carl after Chloe had sabotaged him by replacing his tape with a video where he failed a trickshot by landing into the sewers.
  8. Good pacing that actually satisfies the 22 minute length, not feeling too fast nor too slow.
  9. Tons of good/decent and/or entertaining episodes, such as:
    • "Carl of the Wild"
    • "Night of the Living Clones"
    • "Pride Goeth Before a Wipeout"
    • "Teen Superstar Part 1" and "Teen Superstar Part 2"

Bad Qualities

  1. Some scenes can be too inappropriate for a G-rated show, such as the intro where C2 arrives to Carl's house completely naked (although it was censored), and Carl getting his clothes ripped off by a bunch of cheerleaders. There was also a portrait in the first episode that showed Carl's butt uncensored.
    • One episode even has Carl swearing, although it was bleeped out.
    • The season 4 episode "Two Thongs Don't Make it Right", is highly inappropriate, as it involves Carl having to wear a "sexy" thong.
  2. A few unlikable characters, such as Ron Bronson (Carl's rival) and Shane the Magnificent. The latter trying to kill Carl by doing a "magic trick" where he traps him inside of a box and lights it on fire. Lorna can also be unlikeable as well due to her unhealthy obsession over Carl.
  3. The animation, while smooth, can also be quite mediocre and choppy at times, particularly in Season 1.
  4. Some bad/mediocre episodes, such as the season 1 finale "Clone, Come Home" and "Band of Bothers", which wasn't a very good way to start Season 3.
  5. Animation errors can also be common.


The show currently has a 6.3/10 on IMDb.


  • The show is often compared to that of other Teletoon shows, mostly Johnny Test as well as What's With Andy?.
    • Teletoon's vice president also pointed out that the show's humor is similar to What's With Andy?.
  • The show aired in over 100 countries on different networks. In Australia, it aired on ABC TV and the Spanish channel ¡Sorpresa!.


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