Cast Away (Arthur)

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"Cast Away"

What kind of vacation is this? Certainly not one you'd want to be a part of.
Series: Arthur
Part of Season: 7
Episode Number: 1a
Air Date: October 8, 2002 (U.S)
January 6, 2003 (Canada)
Writer: Dietrich Smith
Director: Gerg Bailey
Previous episode: Friday the 13th
(Season 6)
Next episode: The Great Sock Mystery

"Cast Away" is the first half of the first episode in the seventh season of Arthur. It first aired on October 8, 2002.


Arthur is looking forward to going on a fishing trip with his dad. But a change in plans forces them to include D.W., much to Arthur’s dismay.

Why It Should Be Cast Away

  1. It’s another 11-minute Arthur torture episode as he is forced to spend his fishing trip with D.W. against his will.
  2. D.W. is extremely mean-spirited and annoying in this episode as she throws temper tantrums by crying to get her way.
    • Speaking of which, her crying will get on your nerves.
  3. Arthur’s parents never discipline D.W. and constantly cave into her demands.
  4. At one point in the episode, D.W. can catch lots of fish by playing her Mary Moo Cow CD, which is nonsensical.
  5. D.W. never gets punished for her antics, as mentioned in Reason #3.
  6. It started Season 7 on a sour note.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The animation and voice acting are great as usual.
  2. Arthur is still a tolerable character.
  3. The ending where Arthur spotted the whale, which is pretty cool.



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