Chains (The Beatles cartoon)

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Chains is the second of the 6th episode from The Beatles (previous episode was "You've Really Got a Hold on Me").


The Beatles go to see a movie "Mutiny On The Bounty"; after the movie ends, Ringo pretends that he's the captain in the film, John and the others sabotages Ringo by launching him on a seesaw, he collides on the wall and gets concussed. After Ringo gets hit and unconscious; he pretends he's Captain Ringo Bligh and John, Paul and George are his prisoners.

Why It Sucks

  1. Ringo almost dies of drowning.
  2. The other Beatles try first on chop him to take the ship.
  3. When John, Paul and George tied Ringo with the chains and pulled the plug from the ship to let Ringo die, THEY LAUGH ABOUT IT!! This makes the episode very mean-spirited.
  4. When Ringo wakes up, John was pouring water on his head, Ringo still thinking that he's dreaming and tries to make the boys walk on the pool plank which it was full of girls.
  5. The animation is very awful.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. Most of this (including the chaining Ringo scene) takes place in a dream.


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