Chasing Charlie

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Chasing Charlie
So you see, we are just lazily renaming videos to make a TV Show out of them.
Genre: "Coming of age"
Running Time: 20 minutes (varies by webisode)
Country: United States
Release Date: Season 1: September 12, 2023 - March 11, 2024
Season 2: December 20, 2024 - Present
Network(s): YouTube
Created by: Dhar Mann
Seasons: 2
Episodes: 4 (Season 1)
1 (Season 2)
Previous show: Sister Secrets
Next show: My Shocking Story

Chasing Charlie is a series made by Dhar Mann, its first episode was made on September 12, 2023, which was originally a video called "Girl Trades REAL LIFE For VIRTUAL WORLD", which was later turned into a series on December 7, 2023

The first episode of Season 2 was uploaded completely out of nowhere with no announcement on December 20, 2024.

So You See, This Is Why We Are Chasing This TV Series Out of Existence

  1. Laziness: Much like Antwan: Against All Odds, episode 1 was actually originally a normal video titled "Girl Trades REAL LIFE For VIRTUAL WORLD", which actually followed Dhar Mann's usual video formula, but Dhar Mann suddenly turned it into the first episode of the show due to being completely lazy to create a proper episode.
  2. Plagiarism: Episode 2 rips off the plot of the movie The Princess Diaries.
  3. Episode 1's VR footage is made in the live-action format, instead using a VR game or MMO footage.
  4. Like with most of Dhar Mann's videos, it suffers from poor editing and cinematography.
    • In one of the scenes in Episode 4, the main character's glasses just randomly appear on her in the next shot, while she didn't wear glasses previously.
  5. Terrible acting from most of the actors as usual. Many of them tend to be wooden with their lines.
  6. Episode 3 starts off with an advertisement for Monster Legends, also it doesn't have a "paid sponsorship" tag despite the video beginning with a sponsorship ad.
  7. Just like Dhar's other series, they are rushed out and they tend to end on cliffhangers in which this will only have 2 episodes in it.
  8. For some reason, Dhar secretly renewed the show for a second season and never announced it to his fans beforehand.
    • Additionally, for some reason the episode is over 3 hours long. This is likely due to the fact that Dhar actually put recycled footage from previous videos that featured the actor.
