Chef Goes Nanners (South Park)

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"Chef Goes Nanners"
For sure, this episode goes nanner.
Series: South Park
Part of Season: 4
Episode Number: 7
Air Date: July 5, 2000
Previous episode: Cherokee Hair Tampons
Next episode: Something You Can Do with Your Finger

Chef Goes Nanners is the seventh episode of season 4, and the 55th overall episode of South Park. It aired on July 5, 2000.


Chef's passionate protest declaring the South Park flag racist enflames the entire town.

Bad Qualities That Went Nanners

  1. The main problem of the episode is that while it isn't completely bad thanks to GQ#1, a lot of the characters are very unlikable because of the South Park flag, especially Chef, which will be explained in BQ#2 about why he is at his worst.
    • Also, the episode could have been really good, but the fact that most characters are unlikable make it mediocre; this episode also falls under good concept but poorly executed.
  2. Chef is at his absolute worst in this episode since he goes crazy for the fact that he thinks that South Park flag is racist, but the problem is that he overreacts a lot in this episode, even going as far as to kill someone with fire, which is incredibly out of character for him to do it! However, he is likable at the end of the episode.
    • He's even unlikable to the children since they were from the team that doesn't want to change the flag; because of that, Chef though for a moment, almost the entire episode that they were racist until the end where he did know how bad it gotten and that he become happier.
  3. The first redesign of the flag is terrible and nonsensical, even by South Park standards, since it is basically the same thing, just the one that is black smile and that it, they also say stupid things about the fact that it is no longer racist because of the fact that he smiles, which is completely false; this of course angered Chef since he still though that it is racist.
  4. This episode has some of the worst jokes in a South Park episode that you would ever find since it mostly consists of racist jokes, similar to "HumancentiPad" where it consisted of pedophilia and incest jokes.
  5. Aside from Chef, some of the other characters are unlikable but thankfully they aren't at their worst, such as:
    • Stan that doesn't seem to take racist like a serious topic and even Wendy point this out; for some reason, he doesn't join Wendy like he usually does, in which he mostly joins Wendy in her projects at the time in the 2000s episodes.
    • Cartman that disturbs a bit Wendy, but other than that, he isn't really unlikable in this episode, surprisingly.
    • Wendy is also a bit unlikable toward Stan at the beginning since he had a different opinion than her; however, despite that, she still remains likable in this episode.
  6. It is a torture episode for nearly everyone in the show, especially because of how bad Chef attitude is toward peoples from South Park that doesn't want the flag to change, even for the main characters.
  7. Horrible moral: For stopping your crush for someone, just kiss him/her and then that it, you don't crush on them anymore, which is incredibly stupid and not true, since for most people, that would make them wanting even more.
  8. Some of the episode moments are incredibly offensive, even for South Park standards, especially with the flag.

Good Qualities

  1. The relationship of both Cartman and Wendy is cute and at its best for the show standard, despite Wendy trying to not crush on Cartman due to him having lot of bad qualities, even at the end they have a great relationship.
    • This also save the episode from being completely bad since this is easily the best part of the episode and mostly the reason why It's average too, and if Chef wasn't as unlikable or the flag situation not being as problematic, then this episode could easily been decent.
  2. Some funny moments here and there, such as in the Cartman and Wendy relationship.
  3. At least Chef became likable again in the end, where he did know how bad he gotten with the flag, he also apologized to everyone.
  4. Cartman is surprisingly likable in this episode, even though he also doesn't take racist topics like a serious thing.
  5. Aside from Chef at the end and Cartman, the other characters are also likable.
  6. Good ending: The flag is changed; everyone is happy, and Chef stopped his mistake.


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