Chew Said a Mouthful (Happy Tree Friends)

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Chew Said a Mouthful
Chew Said a Mouthful.png
Jawbreakers breaks people's jaw, really...
Series: Happy Tree Friends
Episode Number: 23 (8b)
Air Date: November 20, 2006
Writer: Kenn Navaro
Ken Pontac
Warren Graff
Director: Kenn Navaro
Previous episode: Blast From the Past
Next episode: See What Develops

Chew Said a Mouthful is the second-part of episode 8 and the 23rd episode overall of Happy Tree Friends.


Nutty attempts to chew a jawbreaker in the supermarket but his jaw breaks, causing him to go to the dentist with Lumpy, to stop chewing the candy.

Why It Breaks People's Jaws

  1. For starters, it is a Nutty torture episode since he is obsessed with breaking a jawbreaker, but his jaw cannot break it and Lumpy tells him not to when he goes to the dentist.
  2. Nutty is at his worst here since his purpose is to just make his jaw break because of attempting to break a jawbreaker.
  3. When Lumpy tells Nutty to not break his jaw, the latter attempts to break the jawbreaker, breaking his jaw again. This proves that he is a hypocrite and does not take care of his jaw.
  4. In his third attempt, he uses the blender to break the jawbreaker, but the glass breaks, and the jawbreaker rolls just to get it.
  5. During Toothy's eye surgery, Lumpy attempts to attach his eye, but his hand slips and instead gets the jawbreaker for his eye. Lumpy even uses a marker to make a dot in his eye, as well as making a mustache using the marker. Afterward, Nutty grabs the gurney from Toothy's and rides so that he can grab it.
  6. There are scenes that are disturbing:
    • Nutty attempting to break the jawbreaker, twice, using his teeth, causing his jaw to break.
      • His second attempt also includes him cutting his tongue after attempting to break the jaw, as well as using the pliers to remove the string just to release his bottom jaw.
    • When Nutty attempts to grab the jawbreaker in Toothy's eye socket while riding on a gurney, he knocks Mime out while ordering a hotdog, causing The Mole to squirt his organs as a ketchup.
    • Nutty throws a bucket of hot water on Russell, causing him to get burned.
    • He even shakes the soda can and tosses it near to Disco Bear, which explodes after opening it.
      • Plot Hole: Since when does the soda explode with smoke after Disco Bear opens it.
    • He also tosses the umbrella on Flaky's mouth, causing her mouth to open wide after the umbrella opens it.
    • After Nutty attempts to grab the jawbreaker in Toothy's eye socket in the dump, he and Toothy do not notice that there are metal pipes and the latter goes through them, turning his organs into a hotdog.
    • Nutty sees the jawbreaker on the damaged red car, but the metallic lower jaw rips off due to the car magnet, as well as him getting crushed.
  7. The ending with Lumpy playing golf is pointless; not to mention, he uses Toothy's eyeball to play with it, which is gross.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Not counting the background characters, Lumpy and Giggles are the only likable characters in this episode.
  2. The opening scene where Nutty does his own routine is decent, but it gets worse when he uses his teeth to break the jawbreaker.
  3. Nutty does get his comeuppance by getting crushed by a car magnet.


  • The episode's title is a reference to "You said a mouthful"
  • This is the least viewed episode of the show.
  • Cuddles is the only main character to not appear in this episode.
  • All deaths given have something to do with metal (gurney, umbrella stick, soda can, pipes, and car magnet). The only exception is Russel's death where his injury is not metal-based, which is hot water.


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