Chlorhydris' Lost Love (The Smurfs, 1981)

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Chlorhydris' Lost Love (The Smurfs, 1981)
This episode has lost love.
Part of Season: 7
Episode Number: 33b
Air Date: November 28, 1987
Previous episode: "The Smurfy Verdict"
Next episode: "Stop and Go Smurfs"

"Chlorhydris' Lost Love" is a Season 7 episode from the Smurfs cartoon show.


Because of a lost love, Chlorhydris changes Cupid's love arrows into hate arrows. When a single arrow causes the whole of Smurf Village to be at hatred, Vanity and Sassette set off to find Chlorhydris' lost love.

Why It Has Lost Love

  1. This episode is another torture episode for the Smurfs as they were affected by a hate arrow made by Chlorhydris, and is one of the worst torture episode of the whole show.
    • It is also a big torture episode for Sassette in the first half due to the other Smurflings being in love with her despite her not wanting their forced loves.
    • The absolute worst part about this episode torture plot is that if they didn't founded Chlorhydris lost love, then she would never free Papa Smurf and would get infinitely captured, and what worse is that the Smurfs were struggling with this quest due to what happen in the episode.
  2. The reason why Chlorhydris did make a hate arrow to the Smurfs village is incredibly stupid, it's because she did lost her love interest because the latter one was attracted by another girl until the end of the episode, and she want to vange herself on the Smurfs village, which is stupid considering that the Smurfs had absolutely nothing to do with this problem, hence creating the problems of this episode.
  3. In fact, because of the plot being centered around hate arrow, it feel like a rehash of "The Root of Evil", which was no better as both episodes had the Smurfs being mean and doing terrible things such as hurting Grandpa Smurf, and this episode ended up being somehow even worse because of how boring and mean-spirited it is, and if it wasn't for the fillers scenes, then it could have been slightly better than the former.
  4. The plot of Chlorhydris lost love does not start until very late into the episode, in fact this episode had lot of fillers in the beginning just to mark the running time of 22 minutes.
    • This even make most of the episode incredibly boring, like "The Lost City of Yore", where the plot is incredibly slow and because of that, it is very hard to even enjoy this episode.
    • In fact, because of the episode having too much fillers, you can easily cut them and if they were not present, the episode could have been 12 minutes instead, showing how much padding this episode had, in which at least "The Root of Evil" doesn't have this much padding.
  5. This episode has a bunch of violence such as the scene when the Smurfs (including Smurfette) trying to attack Grandpa Smurf for spraying water a them, which are extremely mean-spirited to watch and are hard to watch.
  6. Plot Hole: Despite that all the hate arrow being hatred on the Smurfs village, how does Papa Smurf, Cupid, Vanity, Sassetteand Grandpa Smurf not get affected by it, since even Grandpa Smurf was not in his house and could have easily been hit by it, although those smurfs likely avoided those.
  7. Like in "Crying Smurfs" and "Lure of the Orb" This episode does not feature Brainy Smurf which feels off, especially since he's one of the important characters. Also, Wild, Chitter and Puppy don't appear anywhere in the episode either.
  8. The scene where the three Smurflings throw a Smurfberry Pie as Sassette is very mean-spirited, even if it's last 10 seconds.
  9. The plot is extremely poorly executed once again because of how mean-spirited it is and how badly written this episode is, despite the slight potential that this episode had, even though if it would have been better executed, it would maybe still being an average episode.
  10. Overall, due to how horribly executed this episode is and for how mean-spirited it is, it ended up being one of the worst exemple of a wasted potential in a Smurfs episode.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Cupid, Vanity, Sassette, Papa Smurf, and Grandpa Smurf are the only likable characters, and we can easily feel sorry for them due to how much they struggled here.
  3. Good Ending:After Manfred sits on the hate arrows, Chlorhydris gets comeuppance by the former didn't wanting to marry her anymore and call her ugly witch, which is satistying because of what she's done in the episode.
  4. Good animation and voice acting as always.


  • This episode reveals the origin of Chlorhydris' hatred of love throughout the entire series.
  • Chlorhydris' young look in the flashback sequence is also her appearance in the Season 8 episode "Smoogle Sings The Blues".
  • This episode reveals that Chlorhydris has a fiancé and a witch rival in her school days.
  • This is one of the fewer Season 7 episodes colored on ink and paper (some of them were colored digitally).
  • Cupid, Vanity, Sassette, Papa Smurf, and Grandpa Smurf are the only characters that were not seen under Chlorhydris's hate arrows.
  • This is the second episode where the Smurfs are seen with red eyes. The first is "The Root Of Evil".
  • Some of the episode's background music are used from "Smurfily Ever After" and "Smurfing For Ghosts".
  • The background music that was played when Sassette and Vanity enter Drusilla's cave was also played in "The Smurfic Games".
  • This is the second time Grandpa Smurf was referred as an old coot. The first was "The Gallant Smurf".
  • The background music that was played briefly when Cupid takes a break from shooting love arrows was also played in "Smurfquest".
  • Although likely an animation error, the two forest deer that Cupid attempts to shoot arrows at both have antlers, something only seen in male deer other than in the reindeer species (which have a slightly different appearance in the show).



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