Crazy Shopping/An Unwanted Customer (Oggy and the Cockroaches)

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Crazy Shopping (original)
An Unwanted Customer (remaster)

This episode is better off unwanted.
Series: Oggy and the Cockroaches
Part of Season: Original: 2
Remaster: 6
Episode Number: Overall (Original): 84
Season (Original): 6 (2b)
Overall (Remaster): 416
Season (Remaster): 71 (24b)
Air Date: Original: September 8, 2000
Remaster: July 25, 2018
Writer: Nicolas Gallet
Director: Oliver-Jean Marie
Previous episode: Wash Day (Original)
Brain Control (Remaster)
Next episode: Ski Bugs (Original)
Green Trouble (Remaster)

Crazy Shopping is the 6th episode of Season 2 and the 84th episode overall of Oggy and the Cockroaches. It made a remaster in the 6th season under An Unwanted Customer, which is the 71st episode of season 6 and the 416th episode overall.


Oggy arrives at the supermarket with the cockroaches tagging along. Soon, their never-ending squabble results in Oggy knocking down a huge pile of detergent. Oggy is literally kicked out by the security guard, who blames Oggy for the whole incident, and forced to disguise himself in order to enter the shop and complete his errands.

Unwanted Qualities

  1. It's an Oggy torture episode from start to finish since it has Oggy keep getting kicked out of the grocery store thanks to the cockroaches' shenanigans.
  2. The cockroaches are unlikable on this episode since they keep having Oggy get in trouble with the security guard and have him thrown out on each attempt he tries to get in.
  3. Speaking of the security guard, the security guard is very unlikable and keeps thinking that Oggy is guilty of messing up the grocery store.
  4. Neither the security guard or the cockroaches get punished at the end for how they mistreated Oggy on the episode.
  5. Why would the cockroaches get mad over the chicken being frozen and throw it at Oggy?
  6. A bad scene where Oggy disguises himself in drag but gets chased by the security guard.
  7. Some animation errors such as Oggy not wearing gloves when having his second mugshot taken.
  8. Bad Ending: The security guard decides to punish Oggy by having him locked in the grocery store while the cockroaches laugh.

Wanted Qualities

  1. Oggy is the only likable character on this episode.
  2. Good music and animation as usual.
  3. The title card for the original looks good.
  4. A few funny moments such as the cockroaches riding on a lawnmower


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