Curtain of Cruelty (Courage the Cowardly Dog)

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Curtain of Cruelty
As if "Hothead" wasn't bad enough...
Series: Courage the Cowardly Dog
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: Overall: 64
Season: 3 (6b)
Air Date: June 21, 2002
Writer: David Steven Cohen
Mike Samonek
John Reynolds
Director: John R. Dilworth
Previous episode: Katz Under the Sea
Next episode: Feast of the Bullfrogs

Curtain of Cruelty is the second half of episode 6 and the 12th episode of Season 3, as well as the 64th episode overall of Courage the Cowardly Dog


Citizens of Nowhere become cruel due to being possessed by a pink curtain.

Cruel Qualities

  1. This episode basically contradicts Car Broke, Phone Yes, and The Tower of Dr. Zalost; with both episodes being themed-around emotions. Although the former focuses on Muriel getting cruel because the Alien Brain Visitor uses his hands to suck her booger and put it into the vial, thus, making her cruel. While the latter shows that everyone in Nowhere is possessed by cannonballs made by Dr. Zalost.
    • On top of that, both episodes handled their executions well.
  2. Like Hothead, this episode is mean-spirited and it does not fit the show's theme well.
  3. Plot Holes:
    • In the opening scene, it was never explained how Floyd created that curtain.
    • There is no need to become a mayor when someone is cruel, which is somehow ironic later on when Donald Trump was a cruel president.
    • Floyd being a main antagonist makes no sense and it is never explained how he becomes one.
  4. When Muriel, Courage, and Eustace enter Dil's General Store, Eustace eventually cuts in line while the girl says excuse me to him; but he steps aside and tells Jean Bonne to give him chopped meat.
  5. Jean Bonne possesses the cruel curtain, causing him to rant "Grind it yourself!" after Muriel asks him to buy meat, and as a result, he throws it in her face; much to Courage's shock and Eustace's delight.
    1. He even writes the billboard, "Fresh Dog", which is fairly out-of-character and vandalized in real-life.
  6. One single help by Muriel causes the latter to get arrested, while people are cruel, is a violation, which makes no sense in real-life, since helping is good for people and it is a good moral too.
  7. A mayor giving Eustace "Chopped Meat" does not resemble chopped meat, but rather a pile of chum resembling meat or ground meat.
  8. In the rehabilitation institute scene, Muriel watching a video about killing can create epileptic seizures.

Kindness Qualities

  1. Courage and Muriel are likable characters in this episode.
    • Also, citizens of Nowhere are likable at first, but they come up as cruel until Courage fixes everyone with kindness.
  2. At least Courage finally stops people from getting cruel using the fabric softener to place it in the curtain machine.
  3. The scene where Courage uses the fabric softener to soften his fur is a heartwarming scene.
  4. Good Ending: Although Muriel is worried about Eustace not going back to his farmhouse, he deserves a comeuppance by getting him re-educated in the institute where the hamster bashes him with the hammer.


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