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Genre(s): Vertically scrolling shooter
Platform(s): Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Release Date: NA: December 1991
JP: December 20, 1991

Developer= Asmik Publisher= Asmik

D-Force, in Japan known as Dimension Force (ディメンションフォース), is a 1991 vertical scrolling shooter video game developed and published by Asmik for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It involves an Apache helicopter set on defeating an evil Middle Eastern dictator.

Why It's Weak Instead

  1. Bland and colorless graphics It's really inexcusable since there were games with more colorful graphics in 1991 than this boring mess.
    • It's also don't help that Super R-Type, a game released the same year, looks much better with much more vibrant colors and more details.
    • The water is the worst offender, with terrible colors and drawings that make it look like it's water.
  2. Big and uneven hitboxes that make the game nearly unplayable to beat, which make everything worse because the controls render the game almost, if not unplayable.
  3. While the Mode 7 graphics are well thought out, they're heavily pixelated when you're zooming down.
  4. The framerate is awful and also adds another reason why the game is almost unplayable. Again, Super R-Type has a better framerate despite having a massive slowdown.
  5. You can't get any extra lives in the entire game, making it even harder for the wrong reasons.
  6. You can't see enemies above you in the exploration stages, meaning that you can die unfairly. Even though Mega Man 2 is not as bad as this game for this problem, despite Mega Man 2 being a great game, it also doesn't help that other shooter games on the SNES have this problem toned down.
  7. Due to how bad the game is, it's often considered to be one of the worst shoot-em-up games on the SNES and even one of the worst games on the console.
  8. The game is very short, lasting only 40 minutes if you're a pro.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. The music can be good, even if it's repetitive.


D-Force receives overwelmingly negative reviews for its awful framerate, bland graphics, terrible gameplay, and lack of an extra-life system. HonestGamers gave the game a 3/10.


  • The D before the title stands for dimension.



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