D.W.'s Very Bad Mood (Arthur)

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D.W.'s Very Bad Mood
Why can't this episode go to its own house, and STOP bothering us?
Series: Arthur
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 18b
Air Date: April 15th, 1998
Writer: Kathy Waugh
Director: Greg Bailey
Previous episode: Arthur vs. The Very Mean Crossing Guard
Next episode: D.W.'s Name Game

"You know what? You want to know how to be a good parent? Watch what Mr. and Mrs. Read do for D.W., and do like... the opposite of that."

The Mysterious Mr. Enter

"D.W.'s Very Bad Mood" is the second segment of the 18th episode of Season 2 of Arthur and the 48th episode overall.


D.W. is having a huge fit, as she's constantly making Arthur's life hell. Arthur and Francine then go on to try and find out why D.W. is acting this way.

Why It’s Enough To Put People In A Very Bad Mood

  1. D.W. is extremely unlikable in the episode for a multitude of reasons. In fact, she’s at her worst here!
    • First of all, she is nothing but a complete Karma Houdini, as she doesn't get punished for being awful to her family. She does the followingː
      • Slam a door at night, depriving Arthur of sleep.
      • Screaming at the table.
      • Repeatedly bugging Arthur and Francine.
      • Speaking out hate messages to others.
      • And worst of all, (the reason she's even in a bad mood in the first place) getting jealous of not being invited to a birthday party...from a girl whom she doesn't even like. Whilst people can act irrational, this is beyond nonsensical and a bad reason.
      • Also, oddly enough, the episode attempts to make the viewer relate to D.W. when the show is directed to viewers about Arthur's age.
  2. Jane and David (Arthur and D.W.'s parents) are no better, as they only reward D.W. for being bad, and don't try and stop her, similar to how they act in another infamous D.W. episode. Even Arthur and Francine, despite their failings, are better parents than them as they at least pay attention to D.W. They don't even acknowledge her and only says stuff like "stop doing this".
  3. The episode is a torture episode for Arthur, as he constantly gets bugged by D.W.
  4. D.W.'s voice is extremely irritating, especially when she has a fit, so much so that her strop where she screams, yells, and rants throughout the episode will hurt your ears very badly.
  5. Bad morals to parents and kidsː The episode teaches that if your child is having a strop and has a bad mood, and being awful to everyone, instead of punishing them, you should let them continue being bad and even reward them. Along with that, it teaches kids to stay jealous and keep on being obnoxious to others, because if they do so, they will get rewarded. This moral is very wrong, as instead, you should punish a child who's having a strop so that they learn that bad behavior is generally not how someone should act in society.
  6. The episode is irrational and nonsensical in almost every way, with David and Jane being too nice and weak to D.W. and D.W. for some reason being angry over the birthday party (see WIAVBE#1).
  7. Poor Endingː D.W. gets invited to Francine's Birthday party, which overall is just weak and terrible as it got rid of any moral for the sake of a "happy ending".

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The premise of D.W. having a bad mood and annoying Arthur is interesting, but was executed badly.
  2. Arthur, Francine (to an extent) and friends are the only likable characters in the episode.
  3. The notable lines "Why don't you go to your own house, and STOP BOTHERING USǃ" and "Arthur is a dodo brain!" are kind of funny.
  4. Its moral is okay even if its a Broken Aesop.
  5. The "Temper Tantrum Patrol Squad" fantasy was funny.


"D.W.'s Very Bad Mood" received extremely negative reception, due to D.W. being awful, shoving out bad morals, and it's weak "happy" ending. It and it's sister episode received 7.8/10 on IMDb.




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