Day Dreamin' Davey

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Day Dreamin' Davey
This game is the haunter of daydreams and dreams in general.
Genre(s): Action
Platform(s): Nintendo Entertainment System
Release Date: June 1992
Developer(s): Sculptured Software
Publisher(s): HAL Laboratory

Day Dreamin' Davey is an early 1990's NES game developed by Sculptured Software and published by HAL Laboratory, who also went on to create the Kirby and Super Smash Bros. franchises.

Why It's Nightmarin'

  1. Bad character designs, not to mention the teacher on the game's cover art doesn't match her in-game appearance. Davey's cover design makes him better suited for Doraemon or Osomatsu-san, but he's completely differently drawn in-game.
  2. The title makes no sense; Davey falls asleep at certain times which is easily considered narcolepsy, a sleeping disorder that is completely different from daydreaming!
  3. Extremely lazy story, it starts about a kid whose pencil gets stolen by a bully, and he daydreams during class to get it back.
  4. Certain instructions are not given, particularly during the Old West sequences where you have to shoot a boss' gun out of his hand to defeat him.
    1. Other things that make little sense involve you having to pierce the eye of the Cyclops when you can defeat it by just hitting it anywhere, having to defeat a robber by shooting his gun (as previously mentioned), and Davey bringing back a trophy from his dream.
  5. A lack of level settings, there is only the Old West, Ancient Greece, and Medieval times.
  6. To get a shield in one of the levels, you have to touch a character who looks like a palette swap of the enemies, and he can easily be confused for one and killed like them.
  7. Ugly graphics even for NES standards.
  8. Awful boss placement.
  9. Jumping is inconvenient and requires pressing A and B at the same time, rather than just pressing one or the other.
  10. A teleportation zone in one of the levels literally looks like a pile of feces.
  11. In the Old West levels, there is a bird enemy that literally poops what looks like explosive blood!
  12. Dumb ending, Davey literally gets the answer correct when all he did was daydream all through the movie.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. The voice samples sound great for a late NES game.


"What were they thinking?"
The Shit Scale
Games that are debatably bad High level of shit contamination The very high category The severe zone Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Major code red
This product belongs to the "High Level of Shit Contamination" category of the AVGN's Shit Scale.


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