Dead Cat (Mr. Bean: The Animated Series)

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Dead Cat
Raaaawwrrr!! - Scrapper (stating that this episode is bad)
Series: Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 14
Air Date: February 10, 2002
Writer: Gary Parker
Director: Miklos Varga
Previous episode: Nurse!
Next episode: Super Trolley

Dead Cat is the 14th episode of Mr. Bean: The Animated Series


Mr. Bean attempted to go to the beach, but he sees Scrapper missing when the garbage collector throws trash and Scrapper in the dumpster truck, so he has to find it in the abandoned shot on site building to find another Scrapper before Mrs. Wicket kicks him out.

Why It's A Dead Cat

  1. This is a Mr. Bean torture episode in the first half of the episode.
  2. During the decorating day sequence, he painted pink striped wallpapers on the first floor, but Scrapper messes up the paint and the wallpapers, irritating him.
  3. Mr. Bean would have just sent Scrapper outside of the apartment by putting him in the grass, rather than putting it in the trash can.
  4. In the second act, he has a very hard time finding Scrapper:
    • In Purrdums Pet Store, he tells the clerk about Scrapper, but the cats shown there do not resemble him.
    • In the shot on site building, the owner tells Mr. Bean about Scrapper, but none of them look alike until he finds Puss.
  5. Puss and Scrapper do not resemble their appearance, outside of their yellow fur and having one eye.
  6. If Mr. Bean pulls the alarm after breaking the glass using his elbows, the SOS owner was shocked to see mean-spirited cats destroying the building.
  7. Another one is that he steals Puss without her permission, which is a plot hole.
  8. When Mrs. Wicket washes Puss off as Scrapper, because there are fleas in it when it actually comes from the black paint causing said black paint to be removed off, she shouts at Mr. Bean and kicks him out for good, until the real Scrapper arrives and hisses Mr. Bean for putting him in the trash can; which is also a mean-spirited scene.
  9. Bad Ending: Mr. Bean returns Puss back to the shot on site building, but the owner punished him for messing up the main room. So, he decorated the room to make it nicer until Puss attacks him and messes up the paint or glue; which implies that Mr. Bean is punished for stealing Puss and destroying the building.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Mr. Bean is likable in this episode.
  2. The scene where Mr. Bean makes Puss into Scrapper is good, despite being backfired.
    • Another scene where Mrs. Wicket reunited with Puss, as Scrapper, is a heartwarming scene.


  • There was a scene where Mr. Bean wears a worn-out Scrapper mask so that he can play with Puss, but it was scrapped out.


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