Deadpool VS Pinkie Pie (Death Battle!)

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"Deadpool VS Pinkie Pie"
Deadpool Pinkie Pie Death Battle.png
Two Fourth Wall breaking combatants duke it out... only to destroy the purpose of Death Battle!
Series: Death Battle!
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: Overall: 71
Season: 14
Air Date: December 21, 2016
Writer: Nick Cramer
Previous episode: Zoro VS Erza
Next episode: Lara Croft VS Nathan Drake (Season 4 Premier)

Deadpool VS Pinkie Pie is the 14th episode of Season 3 and the 71st episode overall of Death Battle!

Why It Terribly Breaks the Fourth Wall

  1. The episode destroys the purpose of Death Battle!, focusing much on pointlessly breaking fourth walls and playing around, which might explain the pointers below.
    • In fact, this episode is pointless and the previous episode, Zoro VS Erza would have been the better finale of Season 3.
  2. After Pinkie Pie defends with a pop-up ad while Deadpool uses a Like bar (as a lightsaber) to attack her, the latter stops and become friends after the former puts Cherrychanga pie just to make this episode look worse.
  3. Both have entered Batman VS Captain America Death Battle! video, but Deadpool intercepts the fight by disguising him as Batman during the time Captain America finds the real Batman, causing Deadpool to hit Captain America on the head using the shield.
  4. Both Deadpool and Pinkie Pie intercept Ken and Terry's fight by doing a dance battle, causing Ken to throw his Hadouken on Terry.
  5. Pinkie Pie cries about the arcade machine being destroyed during Amy and Ramona's fight, thus interrupting their battle like they did to the previous one.
  6. When Deadpool and Pinkie Pie enter the Death Battle! cast, "Hulk & Doomsday Get Strange", he is horribly unlikable to the casts by calling Wizard an idiot with the stupid face, Boomstick an idiot with the stupid hair, and Nick and idiot who writes his jokes because he is funnier than him; implying that he mocked the casts for nothing.
    • Wizard and Boomstick even hate Deadpool for being too annoying, especially before battles in "Deadpool VS Deathstroke" and "Deadpool VS Mask" respectively.
    • His actions are justifiable since he wants them to throw a birthday party for him, but still.
  7. During the post-Death Battle!, Wizard and Boomstick call themselves losers after Deadpool mocked both of them.
  8. Overall, it ends the third season in a sour note.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The concept of combatants breaking a fourth wall by stopping the fight and playing around is a good concept, despite being poorly executed.
  2. The entire Death Battle! episode is hilarious to watch:
    • It is considered a "so bad, it's good" feel.
    • Boomstick's line: "F*king pony!"
  3. The ending scene where the ponies from Equestria throw Deadpool a birthday party is decent to watch.
  4. The animation is good.


  • This was the first Death Battle! episode to have both male and female combatant.
  • This was the first Death Battle! episode to have 2D sprited instead of CGI or hand-drawn animation.
  • The live-action scene technically appears for the first time, seeing in the scene where Deadpool and Pinkie Pie enter Death Battle! cast.
    • The live-action scene was properly implemented in "Nightwing VS Daredevil", which came out nearly 2 years later and it was in Season 5.
  • Deadpool mocking the cast would foreshadow Deadpool VS Mask, in which they hate Deadpool thanks to the latter's annoyance.



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