Death of Pedro Ruiz

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Death of Pedro Ruiz
A perfect example of why humanity is getting less intelligent (Pedro is on the right side)
Born: Monalisa Perez: Mar 18, 1998
Pedro Ruiz: Unknown (between Jun 27, 1994 and Jun 26, 1995)
Died: Pedro Ruiz: Jun 26, 2017 (age 22) (Pedro Ruiz)
Cause: Pedro Ruiz: Murder (shot by girlfriend)

Monalisa Perez, also known as La MonaLisa on YouTube, who is known for making videos involving make-up, fashion and mostly vlogs. She is infamous for a YouTube stunt that resulted in the death of her former boyfriend, Pedro Ruiz.


On the day of Pedro's death (June 26th, 2017), before the stunt happened, Pedro wanted to create a video that would go viral by doing a very life-risking stunt. The thing Pedro did was to hold a very big, hardcover book in front of his chest, while his girlfriend Monalisa would shoot the book with one of the most powerful weapons, a 50. Caliber Desert Eagle handgun. The intended plan was that the book was supposed to prevent the bullet from hitting Pedro. During the stunt, Monalisa was 1 foot away from Pedro. When she fired the gun, the book failed to prevent the bullet from hitting Pedro, thus hitting his chest. Monalisa called 911 immediately and told the operator what happened. Unfortunately, Pedro died from his injuries on his way to the hospital. During the stunt, their 3-year-old daughter had witnessed the stunt, and Monalisa was pregnant with her 2nd child at the time.


After the incident, Monalisa and the stunt had gained a lot of attention from multiple YouTubers. Monalisa's channel had gained a large number of dislikes and subscribers (though, the subscriber count never decreased) after the channel was shared on Social Media. Monalisa was arrested shortly after. Monalisa and Pedro were blamed because Pedro was the one who made the idea, and Monalisa didn't do a single thing to prevent him from doing the stunt, which still ended up with her being sentenced.

Monalisa's Sentencing

After her arrest, Monalisa was now awaiting her trial 6 months after the incident. During the trial, she was pleaded guilty for second-degree manslaughter on December 19, 2017, and spent 6 months in prison. She is also serving 10 years of probation and is forbidden from holding any firearms for life.

Monalisa's Release From Prison

La MonaLisa made another video on July 31, 2018, called “Something to say...” where she wanted to move on from the situation, the video was as disliked bombed and she now has disabled the comments on all of her videos. Her channel now barely gets any views and all her videos have more dislikes than likes.


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