Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge

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Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge (PlayStation version)
Genre(s): Platformer
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows
Release Date: PlayStation
EU: December 1, 2000
NA: March 15, 2001
Microsoft Windows
EU: March 29, 2002
Developer(s): Argonaut Games
Publisher(s): Disney Interactive
Sony Computer Entertainment

""Okay, now, rrreally think about this for a second, game developerrrs! When wrrriting your scrrript, did you serrriously rrrequire everrry RRR in yourrr sentence to rrroll? It's rrrancid!""


Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge is a 3D platformer based on Disney's franchise of the same name.


Aladdin, Abu, and Princess Jasmine fight against Jafar's sister Nasira who wants to bring her brother back to life.

Bad Qualities

  1. The FMV cutscenes are made on the game's engine and they are very boring and painful to watch, mostly due to awful video quality.
  2. The Genie in the game is full of useless tutorials and obvious information, which means that these tutorials were really unnecessary and didn't need to be in the game.
  3. Ugly and terrible graphics. Even games like Rayman, Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue, NiGHTS Into Dreams, The Powerpuff Girls: Chemical X-Traction, and Spider-Man (2000) had better graphics than this!
  4. The hit detection is very unresponsive at times. Also, some enemies are even nearly impossible to hit without receiving damage yourself.
  5. Terrible sound effects.
  6. Bland and repetitive music.
  7. The mini-games are poorly structured and designed. The cloud bouncing stage expresses how terrible the controls are, there are even parts where you can clip through the clouds. And the Princess Jasmine on a skateboard level is just a total joke, wait, wasn't Princess Jasmine kidnapped?
  8. The cursor in the throwing mini-games is way too sensitive, these throwing games make the shooting gallery in Ocarina of Time look tolerable!
  9. The controls and mechanics in the game are really clunky, especially Aladdin's jumping, which makes platforming segments really problematic, with the lazy and awful camera not helping at all. There are also some levels where the player has to control Abu, and sometimes platforming segments in them manage to be even worse!
  10. The flying carpet segments in the game are really frustrating since due to the carpet's speed, you will almost always bump into something before being able to react, even if you follow a "safe path" made out of coins.
  11. The game is very short and can be beaten in about 3 hours.
  12. What makes the unfair difficulty in the game even worse is the fact that the game's target audience was children. Imagine a little kid going through all this, expecting to have some fun. Not a good picture, ain't it?
  13. Lame and lazy final boss fight.

Good Qualities

  1. The game is not that bad overall. In fact, it can still deliver plenty of fun and has a nice variety, the main problem is how outdated and frustrating it is.
  2. The voice acting is good and voiced by the same cast as the movies
  3. The PC version is way better.
  4. Despite being a game instead of a movie, it was one of the very few times a female Disney villain opposed a male protagonist. Nasira is a good Disney villain, but sadly, she debuted only in this game.



Nasira's Revenge received average to mediocre reviews on both platforms.


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