Dog Days (The Garfield Show)

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Dog Days
If this is you idea of what dog days are like, then you may be doing it wrong.
Series: The Garfield Show
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 24
Air Date: March 8, 2011
Writer: Emmanuelle Aubert
Previous episode: Farm Fresh Feline
Next episode: Planet of Poultry

Dog Days is the 24th episode of the 2nd season of The Garfield Show.


After Odie eats a cookie from Nimbus, he turns everyone into dogs just by licking them.

Why It Sucks

  1. The plot is just pointless. Odie gets a cookie from Nimbus, and turns everyone into dogs by licking, which doesn't make any senses.
  2. It's an exact copy of the show's episode "It's a Cat's World", but it has humans acting like dogs instead of cats.
  3. No one tells us why cats are immune to the infection, creatong a big plot hole, when this episode already is full of plot holes due to not making any senses.
  4. It is a huge torture episode for nearly everyone, since they are pretending to be a dog, and Garfield need to found a way so that everything goes back to normal but he had a hard time to doing so.
  5. Disgusting ending where Jon is eating Odie's dog food, even though he was sprayed by Nimbus and Garfield.
  6. Misleading title: They don't accurately become dogs, they are just pretending to be dogs.


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