El desayuno del Chavo (El Chavo; 1976)

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El desayuno del Chavo (El Chavo; 1976) is an episode of El Chavo del Ocho.

Why It Sucks

NOTE: This article focuses only in the 1976 version, because the 1973 version and the animated series version are consired average by the fans and that version was the most bad received by the fans.

  1. It's a torture episode of El Chavo and Don Ramón, specially the second one.
  2. Doña Florinda is extremely unlikable than the other episodes, she almost killed Don Ramón with a pan while he was trying to invite El Chavo for the breakfast, resulting of Don Ramón passed out for the rest of the episode, she also didn't got punished for her bad actions, turning her a really Karma Houdini.
    • Quico wasn't at his best either, because him, as usual, suport what his mom wants.
  3. Many filler scenes.
  4. Bad Ending and Misleading Title: El Chavo didn't get his breakfast because Don Ramón passed out in the same time he tried to invite El Chavo for the breakfast.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. El Chavo, Don Ramón, Chilindrina, Ñoño and Profesor Jirafales are still likable characters and Chilindrina wasn't troublemaker how she usually is.
    • Profesor Jirafales was surpringsly likable with Don Ramón, because he even took Care of him after he passed out.
  2. In the animated series version, the ending was fixed with Quico surpringsly giving a ham sandwich for El Chavo without fooling him as usual, despite Quico was in his absolute worst in the animated series.