Election Day (Unikitty)

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Election Day
This gets the vote for the worst episode.
Series: Unikitty
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 6
Air Date: February 7, 2019
Director: Brock Gallagher

Election Day is the 6th Episode of the 2nd Season of Unikitty.


Unikitty goes up against Master Frown in an election for the Kingdom princess.

Why It Sucks

  1. This is a Unikitty torture episode.
  2. Many of the citizens are unlikable.
  3. Master Frown is extra manipulative.
  • The Citezens never face any punishment for their cruel behavior.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Master Frown doesn’t win the election.
  2. There are some good moments.