Endive's Dirty Secret (Chowder)

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Endive's Dirty Secret
Eww,.. what is that secret going on in Marzipan City?
Series: Chowder
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: Overall: 64
Season: 25 (14a)
Air Date: July 30, 2009
Director: Eddy Houchins
Previous episode: The Lollistops
Next episode: Big Food

Endive's Dirty Secret is the first part of episode 14 and the 25th episode of Season 2, as well as the 64th episode overall of Chowder.


Endive attempts to hide her secret after Schnitzel sees her back part. Chowder, Mung, and Schnitzel tell the citizens about her dirty secret causing them to be disgusted.

Why It's a Dirty Secret

  1. This episode shows gross-out humor regarding Endive's dirty secret, especially the uncensored picture where it is revealed that she eat her toe jam with a fork.
  2. Mrs. Endive is horribly unlikable to Mung Daal while telling everyone about her dirty secret.
    • Panini is unlikable to Chowder because she wants to flirt with her while wearing a 50s dress.
  3. This is a Mrs. Endive torture episode as she does not want to reveal her secret to everyone in Marzipan City.
  4. In the opening scene, Chowder, Mung, and Schnitzel attempt to enter Mrs. Endive's pool, but she refuses to enter the pool; this causes the three to get chased by the dogs until they hide in the bush just to stop chasing.
  5. The citizens, especially Gazpacho, vomiting after seeing the picture of pixelated Endive is annoying to watch.
  6. Plot Holes:
    • How does Chowder get abs when he touches the pool water, considering his weight?
    • Sometimes, the picture is too big to see even though the picture is small when it is handed to Mung and the other citizens.
  7. Near the end of the episode, one of the secrets (outside of Endive's toe jam) has a gross-out humor, Schnitzel stated that Truffles peed in a bottle then dumped it in the toilet.
    • Before that, citizens vomit with their hands is gross because Mung reveals to everyone and Endive that the picture is actually her eating toe jam.
  8. The ending is gross with everyone using their spoons to eat toe jam, especially Endive who she attempts to eat a bigger toe jam.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Everyone, except Endive and Panini, is likable in this episode.
  2. The scene where Chowder gets cramps while touching the water and Gazpacho gets slimmer after getting splashed by a huge wave of water in the pool are hilarious.


  • The secrets after Endive's secret is her eating toe jam with a fork, were revealed in the episode are as follows:
    • Mung Daal: Eats his food with tweezers (stated by Chowder).
    • Chowder: Actually a robot (which was revealed to be false since Chowder is an animal; though stated by Mung).
    • Truffles: Pees in a bottle and dumps it in the toilet (stated by Schnitzel) while Schnitzel reveals that he did not flush (stated by Truffles)
    • Random citizen: Illegally pickles peppers in his parking garage (admitted personally).
    • C.H. Greenblatt puppet: The creator of the TV-series (admitted personally).


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