Everyone Wants to Direct (Courage the Cowardly Dog)

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"Everyone Wants to Direct"
Courage indeed stole the whole movie... and this episode
Series: Courage the Cowardly Dog
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 18 (9b)
Air Date: January 21, 2000
Writer: Craig Shermin
Director: John R. Dilworth
Previous episode: The Queen of the Black Puddle
Next episode: The Snowman Cometh

Everyone Wants to Direct is the second half of episode 9 and the 18th episode overall of Courage the Cowardly Dog.


Benton Tarantella films a movie to devour Muriel so that Eustace can earn money. The film is an instruction for the ressurection ritual.

Why Everyone Wants to Direct

  1. Interesting plot involving a film director who wants to make a film in order to get more money, but it turns out it is a ressurection ritual to eat Muriel in order to become a zombie.
  2. Benton Tarantella is a well-written antagonist who films a movie by fooling Muriel into tieing her, then wait for the moon to align to ressurect Errol Van Volkheim so that they can ear her.
  3. Return of the Zombies from Beneath the Farm is an interesting title for a movie.
  4. Aside from Benton, Courage, Muriel, and the Computer are likable characters in this episode.
    • Eustace, while a bit unlikable, is also a well-written antagonist where he wants to get money after seeing Muriel turning into a zombie.
  5. The Computer puts an interesting story about Benton Tarantella and Errol Van Volkheim where they lured innocent people to their fates; however, while both of them were in jail, Errol was released in prison for his good behavior (though he was deceased and buried in the courtyard in the Bagge's farmhouse) while Benton was deceased in prison.
  6. After Courage rewrites the script in the chest while Eustace is filming the zombies attempting to ear Muriel, Eustace reads the script where the zombies go back to the hole while Courage buries it, thus freeing Muriel for good.
  7. Hilarious ending where Courage wears Groucho glasses, saying that he is ready for his close-up, only to break the lens of the camera.
  8. Eustace's line: "When am I getting paid?"

Bad Qualities

  1. This is a Courage torture episode as he does not want to see Muriel turning into a zombie while Benton is making a film.
  2. The zombies can be frightening to some.
    • Benton popping one of his eyes and removing his hand is disturbing, even Courage freaks out from this.
  3. Eustace is a bit unlikable in this episode as he kicks Courage out for scene-stealing the movie, even though the latter is scared because he does not want to see Muriel turning into a zombie.


  • The title card shows Courage waving his arms is seen from the opening theme, albeit colored.
  • The contract seen in this episode will be paid for 5 trillion Dollars.


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