Felix the Cat (video game)

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Felix the Cat (video game)
Felix the Cat + Video game = Fun
Genre(s): Action
Platform(s): Game Boy
Release Date: October 1992 (NES)
July 1993 (Game Boy)
Developer(s): Hudson Soft
Publisher(s): Hudson Soft
Country: Japan
Series: Felix the Cat

Felix the Cat is a platform game released in 1992 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and in 1993 for the Game Boy by Hudson Soft. It is based on the cartoon character Felix the Cat. Felix the Cat was developed in Japan, but released only in North America and Europe.

Why It Is a Righty-O! Game

  1. Great and colorful graphics for 1992 standards, since they are really colorful and detailled for a NES game, the Game Boy version had good graphics too, even if it is a tad bit weaker than those of the NES version.
  2. Tight and responsive controls, Felix will never ever be unresponsive at all, and the controls for all the gameplay parts are great to use, and there isn't a gameplay phase that had poor controls.
  3. Decent soundtrack that is quite catchy and fitting.
  4. The levels and worlds are fun and varied, like most games made by Hudson Soft.
  5. The ending is not really bad on the NES version and is decent, despite being a bit empty, the Game Boy version had an awful ending though.
  6. It was one of the few Felix the Cat game to be ever released, and is easily the best of them all, since the other are mostly mediocre (Baby Felix Halloween isn't bad but had some flaws that hold it back from being as good as this game).
  7. The game can be challenging for some people (NES version only).
  8. The Game Boy version, while inferior to the NES version, is easy for a kids game and can be accessible for all people.
  9. The game over can be funny on the NES version.
  10. The box art is both good and cute.
  11. The power up are good and varied and give to Felix new attack.
  12. The cutscenes can be funny because of the dialogues.
  13. The game is very polished, because there are not any glitchs that can ruin the game.

Bad Qualities

  1. The bootleg Genesis port is a terrible port.
  2. The Game Boy port, while decent, is inferior to the NES version due to having less levels, weaker graphics and soundtrack (despite being good), and also having stiffer controls than the NES version.
  3. For some player, the game can be too easy.
  4. The game is short, especially the Game Boy version, it can be completed in 20 minutes on the Game Boy version and 40 minutes on the NES version or even less than that.
  5. The ending is awful on the Game Boy version, due to feeling rushed.



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