First Day Back at School (Combo Panda)

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First Day Back at School (Combo Panda)
Two words, then a name: Stop. Bullying. Gil.
Episode Number: 1
Air Date: March 13, 2020
Previous episode: TBA
Next episode: Combo Crew's Big Surprise

First Day Back at School is the first episode of the Sunnyside School series of Combo Panda, a spin-off YouTube channel of the Ryan's World franchise.

Why It Got Suspended Forever

  1. Because of the reasons listed below, this started the Sunnyside School series on a sour-note.
  2. When Big Gil is trying to introduce himself to the class, he accidentally farts, causing his best friends, Combo Panda and Peck to laugh at him, and causing him to leave the classroom in embarrassment. While Peck quickly stops, and Alpha Lexa confronts Combo for what he did, he doesn't stop being a jerk to Gil, to the point where the latter leaves Combo's friend group until the end of the episode, when Dark Titan farts during his punishment for being late. Despite the satisfying conclusion, and Combo getting his karma at the very end, it's nothing, but a Big Gil torture episode.
  3. The scene in science class is nothing, but filler, as it's just Peck being anxious about his twin, and then fainting. The art and math class scenes are also quite filler-heavy, and don't propel the plot forward enough.
  4. There are many unfunny jokes, mainly focusing on gross-out humor and unfunny gags.
  5. Combo focuses on his video games more than school at the start of the episode, but what makes it worse, is that it's his first day.
  6. Plot Hole: In the beginning of the episode, Combo is shown to be playing video games minutes before the bus arrives. How is he even allowed to play video games before school, if it's probably going to make him late?

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Combo at least apologizes sympathizes with Gil for what he did at the end of the episode, and the ending's satisfying enough. Combo even farts himself at the very end, so while he's still a jerk in this episode, he at least got what he deserved.
  2. Big Gil, Alpha Lexa, Mr. Coach Pat, and possibly Peck are all likable in this episode.



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