Flying Solo (The Loud House)

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Flying Solo
🎵I'm not feeling like a star, I don't have the shine...
We hate this episode, it doesn't go in the sky.🎵
Series: The Loud House
Part of Season: 5
Episode Number: 12b
Air Date: February 8, 2021
Writer: Whitney Wetta
Director: Kyle Marshall
Previous episode: Zach Attack
Next episode: Hurl, Interrupted

Flying Solo is the 20th episode of the fifth season of The Loud House.


Clyde thinks he's a shoe-in for the Glee Club solo, until Lincoln accidentally auditions and lands the part.

Why This Episode Hits All Of The Sour Notes

  1. This is one of the very few episodes in the series where Clyde is very unlikable, which is unacceptable since he is usually a very likable character, even in some of the show's worst episodes (Brawl in the Family being a notable example).
    • Not to mention that he's extremely selfish in this episode, as he tries to sabotage Lincoln's solo play out of jealousy. What a way to be a friend, Clyde.
  2. Clyde's method to sabotage Lincoln's play is to have him lose his voice, which involves him trying to speak as loud as he can. Somehow, he succeeds, which is nonsensical.
  3. The scene where Clyde keeps failing to do his play perfectly is just filler.
  4. The episode can come across as boring to some people.
  5. Also in an attempt to be hip with the kids, the episode's title is a reference to the Jason Derulo song Ridin' Solo, which was parodied in Kinect Star Wars as I'm Han Solo.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The song itself, Herky-Jerky World, is pretty good.
    • Lincoln's singing voice is admittedly great.
  2. Clyde was able to make it up to Lincoln by fixing his voice.
    • Pretty much every character in this episode except Clyde is likable.
  3. Good ending: Lincoln gets his voice back, and he and Clyde do their play perfectly before bumping into each other.
    • The episode ends with one last funny joke; Lincoln and Clyde do their play goodly, but they accidentally crash into each other due to Paula failing to control the ropes.
  4. Somewhat decent running gag of Mr. Budden drinking a flippee and having a brain freeze, which, unlike other Lincoln torture episodes, which are usually unfunny as they rely on horrible and brutal torture for Lincoln and even gross out moments, is funny as well.


The episode was met with negative reception from critics and fans. It currently holds a 3.3/10 on IMDb.


This, its sister episode, "Season's Cheatings"/"A Flipmas Carol", and "Camped!" are thus so far the only Season 5 episodes to not premiere on a Friday.


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