George Catches a Cold (Peppa Pig)

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George Catches a Cold
"Why?" Because this episode makes no sense.
Series: Peppa Pig
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 24
Air Date: January 5, 2007
Director: Mark Baker
Neville Astley
Previous episode: Pirate Island
Next episode: The Balloon Ride

"George Catches a Cold" is the 24th episode of the second season of Peppa Pig.


George takes his rain hat off and ends up catching a cold, so he has to stay in bed in order to relieve it.

Why It Should Catch a Cold

  1. The episode's premise is very unrealistic and nonsensical: Being in the rain without a rainhat will not make you catch a cold. You can only catch a cold by catching a virus that causes you to have the cold (e.g. Rhinovirus).
    • Speaking of unrealism, this episode does not portray colds realistically because you know why this show is clearly one of those bad shows with the "It's made for kids" excuse.
  2. George is only in the rain for a short amount of time, yet somehow catches a cold, which makes no sense, though it could be the fact that George easily catches a cold.
  3. Peppa is so overly mean to George throughout this episode, she thinks George is faking the whole thing for attention when he isn't. If George was faking illness for attention, that would have made sense and it would show kids why you should not fib about being ill. But in this case, it's just her being mean to him for no other reason.
  4. Lots of gross-out humor is played in this episode, such as George sneezing on Peppa and coughing in a very disturbing manner; the coughing also sounds like he's about to throw up.
  5. The only recurring joke in the episode is George repeatedly saying "Why?", which is really annoying and will get on your nerves fast because he would know some things by now.
  6. It teaches kids that rain can cause sickness, when in reality it cannot. Plus, this episode's moral is stupid.

Healing Qualities

  1. Considering the events of the early 2020s with COVID-19, the episode aged extremely well, despite its nonsensical logic.
  2. The end of the episode is actually pretty good, because the next day, George wears a rainhat on a hot day because he doesn't want to catch another cold. Mummy Pig says that he doesn't need to wear a hat, so that's a sign that George has learned a lesson, which is rare example of character development in Peppa Pig.
  3. Despite the bad moral, this episode is right that catching a cold is a bad thing.
  4. Peppa does ask George to stop constantly saying "Why?" at the end, so Peppa is likeable at the end.


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