Grabbergirl678/User blog/YouTube Kids Is Unintentionally Preaching Elimination Communication

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YouTube Kids is slowly becoming populated with cartoons like Wolfoo, I found a few examples of this. However, I noticed a few of the cartoons have a potty training episodes, but here’s the catch, THE CHARACTER WHO IS POTTY TRAINING IS A BABY, this is known as elimination communication. I get that these cartoons are obviously made in another country so there’s differences in culture (it has poor English, it’s as if the script got lost in translation). And I know there are some countries that do not use diapers, (An example is China, I read somewhere that in the country, babies just use the bathroom out in the open) but it could mislead children in other countries where diapers are used.

However, I don’t think this should be on YouTube Kids because studies have actually shown that elimination communication is actually bad, yep, pushing potty training too early (which is what this is) can lead to health problems down the road, like the kid could eventually become incontinent, withhold everything, kidney disease/failure, digestive problems, etc. In the end, it could mess them up.

So, this is why it should not be in YouTube Kids, instead make the potty training character a toddler or a 3 year old and just show babies getting their diapers changed. But then I would prefer YouTube kids just stay away from the bathroom altogether. Then what do I care? YouTube Kids shows things kids SHOULD NEVER BE EXPOSED TO.


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