Grandma Voice (Teen Titans Go!)

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Grandma Voice (Teen Titans Go!)
The Titans should've called the Ghostbusters.
Series: Teen Titans Go!
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 50
Air Date: April 30, 2014
Writer: John Loy
Director: Scott O' Brien
Previous episode: Dreams
Next episode: Real Magic

Grandma Voice is the 50th episode of the 1st season of Teen Titans Go!.


After a fight with Mother Mae-Eye, Cyborg starts talking like his grandma used to, and it slowly consumes his own personality... he eventually becomes a full-fledged overly caring grandma of the Titans.

Why It's Voiceless

  1. Firstly, the episode’s premise MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. It’s about the ghost of Cyborg’s grandmother (it’s heavily implied she’s dead) possessing Cyborg, and how does he get possessed? He presses a button on his body. Being possessed by a ghost DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT!
  2. Cyborg comparing Mother May-Eye to his grandmother is rather questionable because May-Eye is an evil old lady who bakes people into pies, Cyborg’s grandmother seemed like she was just a very strict/“tough love” grandmother during her lifetime. The flashbacks also reveal she used to babysit Cyborg as a child. A very strict person is far from “evil”.
  3. Starfire’s puns and one liners are laughably bad.
  4. After Beast Boy says that the Titans could use Cyborg’s grandmother to win the fight, Cyborg presses a button “possessing” him.
  5. Cyborg being fully possessed by his grandmother’s ghost, then acting and dressing like her, does not make him look good.
  6. The Titans grow tired of the possessed Cyborg and have Mother May-Eye knock the ghost out of him. Which makes no sense.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The voice of Cyborg’s grandmother is very fun to listen to.
  2. It's very sweet that Cyborg was very close to his grandmother as a child, even crying at her grave at the end of the episode after her ghost leaves his body.
  3. The song Cyborg plays while he is possessed is very catchy.
  4. Mother-May-Eye is still a great villain, sadly this is the last time she appears throughout the entire series.


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