Happy Birthday (Oggy and the Cockroaches)

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Happy Birthday
There's Nothing Happy about this Birthday
Series: Oggy and the Cockroaches
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 10
Air Date: September 17, 1998
Writer: Michel GaudeLette
Previous episode: It's a Small World
Next episode: Metamorphosis

Happy Birthday is the 10th episode of season of season 1 of Oggy and the Cockroaches.


Jack organizes a birthday party for Oggy, but after screwing up, Oggy tries to commit suicide.

Why There's Nothing Happy About This Birthday

  1. The episode is extremely mean-spirited since it revolves around Oggy trying to commit suicide over one little thing he messed up.
  2. It is also both an Oggy and Jack torture episode since Oggy tries committing suicide after making Jack angry and Jack keeps getting hurt by Oggy's suicide attempts.
  3. The cockroaches are extremely unlikable on this episode since they help Oggy trying to commit suicide.
    • And to make things worse, the cockroaches never get punished for their actions.
  4. Jack overreacts way too much in the beginning over his pyramid of glass cups getting ruined by Oggy and he gently slaps him on the face.
  5. The cockroaches put on sadistic and evil smiles through out the episode that just makes them look punchable.
  6. Despite being called Happy Birthday, this episode has nothing to do with Oggy's Birthday aside from the opening.
  7. There are a couple of scenes that made it look like Oggy was going to hang himself, in a kids' show.
  8. A couple of animation errors such as the top of Dee Dee's head turning orange once the roaches go over to the helium tank.
  9. Downer Ending: After Oggy ruins Jack's pyramid of glass cups, Jack then tries to commit suicide while Oggy pleads him to not.

Happy Qualities

  1. Oggy and Jack are still likable.
  2. The animation and music are still amazing.
  3. The scene where Jack rescues Oggy from the lion and everyone cheers is heartwarming.


  • This is the final episode where Marky has red eyes and Joey has one red eye, as later episodes of the show will have their eyes pink instead of red.
  • This is one of the few episodes not to be remastered or remade for the sixth and seventh season, probably due to references to suicide.


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