Horrid Henry Changes a Nappy (Horrid Henry)

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Horrid Henry Changes a Nappy
Not the worst Henry torture episode, but it's definitely not good either.
Series: Horrid Henry
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 42
Air Date: November 29, 2009
Writer: Lucinda Whiteley
Director: Dave Unwin
Previous episode: Horrid Henry, Ace Reporter
Next episode: Horrid Henry Gets Sports

Horrid Henry Changes a Nappy is the forty-second episode in the second season of Horrid Henry and the 94th episode overall.


As Prissy Polly and her daughter, Vomiting Vera come over, Horrid Henry has to change Vera’s nappy!

Why We Intentionally(?) Say "Double oh no!" to It

  1. This episode was EXTREMELY disgusting and just an abundance of toilet and gross-out humor, leading to a lot of negative reception from critics.
  2. It's also a slight Henry torture episode again, as he has to deal with Vomiting Vera.
  3. The other big issue with this episode is that most of the characters are really unlikable:
    • Horrid Henry's mother is not a good mother and aunt. She was supposed to babysit her niece, Vomiting Vera but acts very immature and talks to her friends on the phone and ends up neglecting her children and niece, leaving Horrid Henry in charge of the family, this is very irresponsible on her part and Henry's just a child, he shouldn't be fully responsible over his family like that.
    • Vomiting Vera takes the cliches of a typical baby character, such as Dil from Rugrats and Lily Loud from The Loud House to a whole new level and it's exaggerated to the point where it's unfunny, disgusting, and unwatchable. (Like, think Lily's dirty diaper gags being turned up to 11)
      • Vomiting Vera also gives the episode an over abundance of toilet and gross-out humor. This includes excessively vomiting, spitting up, burping, constantly soiling her diapers, and drooling.
    • At the end of the episode, Perfect Peter laughs at Horrid Henry holding Vomiting Vera and calls his brother "a smelly nappy baby".
  4. Horrid Henry, naturally, doesn't know how to take care of an infant and has to go to his enemies for help - they do help him, but not fully.
  5. The whole scene of Henry changing Vera's nappy is disgusting - he doesn't throw the dirty diaper away, so the baby gets a hold of it and plays with it. As expected, it's disgusting and she gets her own FECES all over the place (even on other people). It's so disgusting that it received a lot of complaints from critics.
    • Not to mention, it was exaggerated, like to crank up the gross-out factor because as one person on a forum site pointed out, a baby does not poop that much at once in real life.
    • Also, it’s more disturbing if you think about it because feces harbors many harmful bacteria and given Henry’s mother is being neglectful, she’s putting her entire family at risk of getting ill. That’s incredibly irresponsible!
  6. Somehow, after the feces scene, everything is clean in Henry's room when you get a shot of it near the ending.
  7. Half awful endingː The nappy flies back at Henry, covering him in feces. Peter then proceeds to make fun of him.
  8. To make matters worse, Henry’s mother didn’t get punished for neglecting her entire family, especially since she was asked to babysit. This makes her a Karma Houdini.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Decent animation and voice acting (for the most part).
  2. Half decent endingː For once, Perfect Peter gets hit with karma for his actions when Vomiting Vera pukes on him, causing him to yell "NOOOOOOO!!", thus ending the episode.
  3. Henry’s mother referencing the nursery rhyme "Polly Put the Kettle On" at one point is kind of funny.


The episode received a lot of criticism due to its overabundance of toilet/gross-out humor and exaggerated portrayal of an infant character. The episode even received 2.3 stars on BCDB.


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