Hot Pocket Dial (Family Guy)

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"Hot Pocket Dial"
It's okay to express your true feelings, but don’t take it for granted.
Series: Family Guy
Part of Season: 14
Episode Number: 7
Air Date: November 22, 2015
Writer: Aaron Lee
Director: Steve Robertson
Previous episode: Peter's Sister
Next episode: Brokeback Swanson

"Hot Pocket Dial" is the seventh episode of the fourteenth season of Family Guy.


Peter is overcome with jealousy when he accidentally overhears Quagmire declaring his love for Lois. Can Lois get them to reconcile before it is too late?

Why It Shouldn't Be Dialed

  1. Peter is very unlikable on this episode because he overhears Quagmire declaring his love for Lois after he pocket dialed him and thinks that Quagmire doesn’t care for him and is only friends with him just because he’s married to Lois.
  2. A gross scene of a close up of an old lady using a toothpick.
  3. Cleveland was also unlikable since he tries to trick Quagmire and Peter into buying a man's fur coat for him in a cutaway gag.
  4. Meg is also unlikable since she wants Peter to kill Quagmire while they were fighting.
  5. This episode tries too hard to make you sympathize with Peter and be against Quagmire, but fails hard at it.
  6. Peter still refuses to apologize to Quagmire even after when Brian and Lois tell him to stop and move on from it.
  7. A very mean-spirited scene where Peter Griffin gives Quagmire the middle finger while he moves away.
  8. An offensive cutaway gag where Peter and Lois go to a Jewish concentration camp and Lois says that Walt Disney supported it, this come off as a huge insult to Disney fans and people who are Jewish.
  9. Bad moral: Lois says that the secret to happiness is to bury your true feelings and live a life of bland compromise.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Quagmire, Brian, Lois, Stewie, Chris, Joe, and Ida are all still likable, and Quagmire, Brian, and Lois aren’t Flanderized like they usually are.
  2. Peter and Quagmire apologize at the end.
  3. A few funny moments such as the cutaway with Ariel eating Joe's feet.


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