I'll Cry Instead (The Beatles cartoon)

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"George doesn't deserve this (Even when he's a bit rude)."

I'll Cry Instead it's the second episode from the 10th episode from The Beatles (previous episode was "Long Tall Sally").


The Beatles are in Japan, after signing too many autographs; George's hand swells up and he develops "Autographitis". Trying to find a hospital to cure his friend, they are mistaken with a karate class and confuses George with "The Masked Master", making the boy force George to fight against the Karate

Why It's Crying

  1. George suffers in the entire episode, being pulverized to injuried so mean at the point that he only cried.
  2. His friends are supposed to help him to escape from the Karate fighter but instead they're obligated to fight and saw him suffering.
  3. Ringo was an unlikeable character in this episode, even when he's the monkey's butt of the show.
  4. Ringo was the principal reason of why George gets Autographitis.
  5. The animation was so deformed, Paul looks like a monkey and his eyes are more big and some frames The Beatles made awful cringe-worthy and weird looking faces.
  6. The episode was a bit racist.
  7. At the end of the episode, George hurts his foot and his friends LAUGH ABOUT IT. Why? They could've at least felt sad for him or say "Are you ok?".


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