I'm Man-Arctica! (Fanboy & Chum Chum)

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I'm Man-Arctica!
Unsurprising that this show has it's worst episode ever.
Series: Fanboy & Chum Chum
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 1a
Air Date: April 25, 2011
Writer: Michael Caine
Director: Tom King
Previous episode: Freeze-Tag (season 1)
Next episode: No Toy Story

"This is ridiculous. I don't need to prove myself to two insignificant little boys! I'm Man-Arctica! I save entire galaxies before breakfast!"


I'm Man-Arctica! is the first half of the first episode from the second season of Fanboy & Chum Chum.


When Man-Arctica finds out that Fanboy and Chum Chum don't recognize him, he does everything in his power to convince them that he's Man-Arctica.

Why It's Not Man-Arctica

  1. Man-Arctica gets tortured throughout this episode, because whenever he tries to convince Fanboy, Chum Chum, and Oz that he is Man-Arctica, he gets laughed at and is referred to either as Backpack or Bucket, making him a butt-Monkey.
  2. The titular duo are even dumber than usual.
  3. The title card above, while it looks kind of cool, is very mean-spirited, as it involves Man-Arctica screaming and yelling at Fanboy and Chum Chum.
  4. In the "Are You Man-Arctica?" scene, Oz gives Fanboy and Chum Chum extremely easy questions, while Man-Arctica gets very confusing questions, such as what kind of food did Grandma Ray make while Man-Arctica was in a deep sleep?. As a result, Fanboy ended up winning the game show, while Man-Arctica had the least points, despite being the one who came up with the game show in the first place which is really unfair.
  5. Multiple plot holes:
    • Who would write their name on somebody's underwear?
    • How did neither Fanboy nor Chum Chum believes that was Man-Arctica when they saw him before?
  6. On top of all of this, the episode ends with Global Warmer attacking Man-Arctica and destroying his lair as well, which is a very disappointing ending to a season premiere.
  7. This episode was supposed to be released after its sister episode, "No Toy Story", but the writers later changed their minds later on, which is an incredibly disappointing decision.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Man-Arctica is the only likable character.
  2. The beginning of the episode was average.
  3. At least Fanboy and Chum Chum did apologize to Man-Arctica at the end of the episode.
  4. The game show scene was kind of funny.
  5. As mentioned in WINMA#3, although mean-spirited, the title card looks kind of cool.
    • The title card music is someone repeatedly saying the name of the episode, and it's done here in a very funny way. It's pretty catchy too.
  6. The sound mixing of Man-Arctica’s voice is fun to hear.


  • Unlike most episodes, it primarily focuses on Man-Arctica, rather than the main titular duo.
  • This is one of the few episodes of the show to not have any female characters.

Comments That Are Man-Arctica

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