I SAID CAREFUL!!! (Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two)

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This episode will make you say "I SAID CAREFUL! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
Series: Battle for Dream Island
Part of Season: 5
Episode Number: 14
Air Date: November 9, 2024
Writer: Sam Thornbury
Niall Burns
Previous episode: Category One
Next episode: Respect to the Wicked (Chronologically; Season 2)

Seasonal Shift (Season 5)

I SAID CAREFUL!!! is the 14th episode episode of Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two. It released on November 9, 2024.


The teams must choose either a snowy mountain or a volcano and race up it to grab the flag on the top to win immunity. All teams except CloudYAY choose the snowy mountain.

Careless Qualities

  1. This episode was the letdown of episode 13 as seems to completely lack character development in a modern-BFDIA styled way, focusing too much on humor rather than character interactions.
  2. The pacing in this episode is incredibly fast. It continuously cuts to another moment before the viewer has time to process what is going on. It is recommended to watch on .75x speed.
  3. For no explained reason, Winner suddenly has the ability to survive in lava, despite it killing them in "Fishes and Dishes". It could likely be explained later on but this could also be a retcon.
  4. Pillow, Yellow Face, and Winner are very unlikeable as they randomly decide to shake the bridge and kill their team for no explained reason, despite both latter killed
    • Pillow drops all of her likeable traits she developed after TPOT 9, and goes back to suddenly being a fun killer. Examples include shaking the bridge over the lava just for fun and also trying to put a burning Donut out of his misery - with smiles.
  5. Golf Ball is treated unfairly throughout the episode as the team refuses to give her a chance, and when they finally listen to her they take control for themselves.
  6. Like many episodes, the iconic scream sound effect is overused.
  7. Pencil continues to be a horrible contestant who outright tries to force Book and Ice Cube to rejoin her alliance, and also crashes her portly conditioned van into the hotel causing Cake at Stake to be relocated to Gelatin’s Stakehouse. This proves that she did not learn her lesson at all after being the first boot in BFB. Her voice is horribly grating to listen to, which could lead her voters to second guess if she deserved to come back.
  8. Quantity over quality: Despite being a decent episode at best, this episode feels rushed out, as it is 28 minutes long yet feels constantly fast-paced and released under 2 months after the previous episode.

Careful Qualities

  1. Like most episodes, this episode is not outright horrible and there's many fans who enjoy it, especially those still rooting for their favorites.
  2. Great animation and background/prop designs as always.
  3. It's great to see the failed debutants again and their Cake at Stake ceremony was pretty good. Boom Mic also makes their speaking debut.
    • Additionally, we got to see Eraser go to the proper elimination area instead of being abducted by One, where we get to see some familiar eliminated faces again.
  4. Match gets to reunite with Bubble and Ruby after being blown away from the previous episode into the Pillary Ruins.
  5. The references to the Mario games are pretty cool, such as the enemies that resemble a Piranha Plant and a Blargg.
  6. A pile of food falls onto Gaty. "Not even halfway yet"
  7. Two, Book, Price Tag, Ice Cube, Pen, and plenty of others are still likeable characters as always.
    • Speaking of Two, it is a touching moment when they find out their close friend Gaty is out, and sends her to work for Four and X like how they did with Clock to keep her around (at least until One gets her).


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