Irrational Treasure (Gravity Falls)

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Irrational Treasure
Series: Gravity Falls
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 8
Air Date: August 17, 2012
Writer: Tim McKeon
Alex Hirsch
Director: John Aoshima
Previous episode: Double Dipper
Next episode: The Time Traveler's Pig

Irrational Treasure is the 8th episode of Gravity Falls


Dipper and Mabel investigate the historical cover-up so that not only Mable's silliness is false, but also find out that the founder is a hoax.

Why It's Rational

  1. The concept of the main characters investigating the real founder of Gravity Falls is interesting.
  2. Both Dipper and Mabel investigate the founder of Gravity Falls by finding evidence using a note found in his journal:
    • When Dipper uses his Journal #3, he finds a note depicting a triangle seen in one of the pages.
    • In the Gravity Falls Library, while Dipper is finding the triangle in the "Alchemist Symbols", Mabel folds the paper into a hat to find the "X" symbol, which is seen in the Gravity Falls Museum of History.
    • In the Museum of History, Mabel lies down upside down to give clues while Dipper thinks that the triangle is abstract, which is seen in the triangle with an angel pointing.
    • Mable unlocks the stairs using her nose once they enter the cemetery.
    • They, Deputy Durland, and Sheriff Blubs watch a short video about the identity of Gravity Falls before they see an encased Quentin Trembly in a peanut brittle cube.
  3. After the police officers tell Mable and Dipper not to return to Gravity Falls before departing on the train, they go on a trip to Washington D.C. Meanwhile, Mable frees Quentin Trembley by eating the piece of the peanut brittle cube, which the latter introduces to her and Dipper, but they have to get out of the crate by letting a woodpecker peck one of the planks to escape.
    • After they escape from the train by opening the hatch, Quentin tells Dipper that he once ate a salamander and jumped out of the window, which makes him the president of the United States, and tells the officers to go on vacation.
  4. The episode has some hilarious moments:
    • When discovering the cover-up, even before or after it, Mable has some hilarious moments:
      • She makes a hat while acting silly.
      • She jumps on a statue so that it can pick her nose.
      • "Aw, black and white!"
      • "Mabel, away!" before crashing offscreen.
        • Stan's lines:
          • "They've circled the wagons! We're trapped! NOOOOO!!!!!"
          • "PIONEER DAY!!!"
        • Quentin Trebley is a hilarious character, such as not opening the locks properly by using a key to push it.
  5. Dipper telling Pacifica that Nathaniel Northwest did not find Gravity Falls and that her whole family was a sham is satisfying.

Irrational Qualities

  1. The opening scene is mean-spirited, where Grunkle Stan is annoyed with the covered wagons, even though he is attempting to park somewhere on Pioneer Day.
  2. The subplot with Grunkle Stan in the stocks getting tortured by people throwing tomatoes, even Gideon Grey (who is pointless) who introduces as a humble tomato farmer before mocking him.
    • He even insults Pacifica, by writing "YOU STINK!" using his mouth to grab a pencil.
    • Before that, Stan strangling Steve after pointlessly making fun of him despite hesitating to hand with his car is mean-spirited.
  3. Pacifica Northwest mocks Mabel about the nacho earrings, which makes her unlikable.


  • According to Dipper, Pacifica's family was revealed to be a fraud as he found out that Nathaniel Northwest did not find Gravity Falls.


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